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  #46   Report Post  
Old 24-01-2006, 01:35 AM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Kenni Judd
Posts: n/a
Default Award Registration BY AOS

K -- If I want fries, I'll slice a potato. From AOS, what I think would be
appropriate would be the instruction sheet we've been discussing. If it's
not your job, please just let me know who I should be talking to. I thought
you were on board, when you were so shocked that instruction sheets for RHS
registration were not being given out at all judging centers. But the
(currently entirely hypothetical, in my area) instruction sheet shouldn't
stop with how to register a new grex with RHS, that's just the start of the
process. It should also include the _next_ step(s), after RHS registration,
for getting a provisional award registered by AOS. Something really simple,

"When you receive the RHS registration for your provisionally-awarded
orchid, please send a copy to [NAME] at [ADDRESS]. [NAME] will process your
award and send the paperwork on to [OTHER NAME, currently Pam Guist, at
OTHER ADDRESS], who will send you an invoice for the award fee ($60 non-AOS
member, $40 AOS member] and make arrangements to send you your award
certificate and slide after your invoice is paid. If you have not received
your invoice within [#] days, please contact [NAME] at [PHONE # OR EMAIL] to
confirm that your RHS registration was received and that no further
information is required."

Obviously, the [NAME], [ADDRESS], [PHONE # OR EMAIL], and maybe even the [#]
will vary by judging center, and so will need to be filled in locally. If
it would make things easier for the local [NAMES], the package could include
a form cover letter for the exhibitor to use when sending the RHS
registration to [NAME], with blanks for identifying the
provisionally-awarded plant, date of provisional award, etc., but that I
leave to those of you on the inside track of this process.

This is something that should end up benefitting AOS as well as exhibitors.
Cash flow would be expedited, the award wouldn't get so stale that the
exhibitor would lose interest before it even gets registered (and therefore
balk at paying) ...


"K Barrett" wrote in message
So what do you want from me, Kenni??

I don't make the fries.

K Barrett

  #47   Report Post  
Old 24-01-2006, 02:52 AM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Kenni Judd
Posts: n/a
Default Award Registration BY AOS

Al: Thanks for trying, but I don't subscribe to AQ and I suspect that I'm
not alone on that amongst folks who've gotten AOS awards -- nor do I think
an AQ subscription should be a requirement for getting an award registered.
I had even let my AOS membership lapse, until I got the award registration
bill on Ocean Storm, in protest over various AOS practices at its HQ
(cool-growing Miltoniopsis in the [south Florida] gift shop, labelled only
"Miltonia Hybrid," Dendrobiums planted in the ground in full sun to
"decorate" the grounds while they die ...). So I didn't have a current
Orchids to go searching in [had I even thought of that, which I confess I

Florida is a VERY LONG state ... Jacksonville is a 6+ hour drive from here,
Orlando is 4+ hours, and even Miami is 2+. Awards are not THAT important
to me, so I only go to the judging at AOS HQ (1+ hour), and then only when
it fits between shows (judging is on Saturdays, so I'm usually busy
elsewhere). But having gone to all that trouble, and then _promptly_
registering both new grexes with RHS, I am admittedly VERY annoyed that it's
taken another YEAR in each case to actually get the award registered with

By asking around, I did ultimately find someone who could put me in touch
with the right someone to finalize both of my awards (although I still don't
have the certificate on Ocean Storm (awarded 10/04), which was allegedly
mailed the week of 1/9/06, after my check arrived on 1/4/06, so maybe I'm
speaking too soon about that one). My point is that people need to be TOLD
how to complete this process, at the time they get the award, in writing.

It seems that at most judging centers, the judges and a few large commercial
growers are getting all the awards; they know how to do it, and the local
staff knows they know how to do it, so there's no perceived need for
instructions sheets, and maybe no need at all. But at AOS HQ, there are
actually some folks just "off the street" (not judges, growers, or even AOS
members) that bring in their orchids for judging, along with some smaller
local growers like me. Most of them don't get awards, but when one does,
s/he gets no instructions whatsoever about what to do next -- and doesn't
have an Orchids magazine or AQ to go searching through. Many of them
probably don't even know there's supposed to be more involved than taking
home the provisional award sheet with the sticker on it ... unless/until
someone gets around to sending them a bill ... which they wouldn't have been
expecting, because there's no notice posted anywhere that getting an award
will cost you $$.


"Al" wrote in message
P.S. That stupid PDF file does not seem to contain phone numbers or email
addresses. The Orchids Magazine used too have these and the most recent
Awards Quarterly does still have them, but I worry about posting this info

"Al" wrote in message

I don't know which Judging Center has jurisdiction in the area where the
plants were awarded. There are three Judging centers in Florida. Lucky

Florida-Caribbean Center has a Miami address.
Florida North Central Center has a Jacksonville address
Orlando has an Orange Park address.

They all have Judging Center Chair names and contact info, phone numbers
email addresses, etc. I found a list in the back of Awards Quarterly.
It is also published in Orchids Magazine every month (or it used to be).
I also found a list online at

Here is a link to a pdf file that the AOS says contains the most current
contact info. I would contact the judging chair of the Center closest to
wherever the plants were awarded.

I do fries and I slice beef. I also deep fry chicken in a special secret
batter known only to Roy Rogers and as far as I know he took it to his
grave. If he ever told Trigger or Dale Evans the secret batter
ingredients, they never talked, at least not to me. Trigger never did
like me much anyway after I..... but that incident is best forgotten.

Happy Trails.

  #48   Report Post  
Old 24-01-2006, 04:22 AM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Posts: n/a
Default Award Registration BY AOS

I forwarded part of this thread to a knowledgable person and the answer I
got is that the paperwork on these provisional awards needs to be dealt with
by the judging center that gave the award. If you give any information to
Pam Guist the only thing she can do is send it back to the center that gave
the award. The center that gave you the provisional award should have given
you their contact info to finish off the process.

  #49   Report Post  
Old 24-01-2006, 02:35 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Posts: n/a
Default Award Registration BY AOS

I am sorry I wasn't clear and that my offer to help was not helpful. I was
offering to get you the name of the judging chair of the judging center
where your plants were awarded, so you could forward the paperwork to the
people (I believe) needed to get it. I kind of assumed you would tell which
of the three judging regions I found in Florida were closest to where your
plants were awarded and I then would certainly have emailed you the names
and contact info.

I am glad you got the info you needed. Was my assumption correct? Did you
need to contact the Judging center closest to where your various awards were
given? Where these the people you ultimately contacted who gave you the
help you were looking for?

I think you have at least year to get award paperwork done and I am pretty
sure if you are letting people know you are working on it, they will not
close the file even if it takes longer. Assuming you can find the person
who has the file.

Your description of the AOS headquarters judging routine and people walking
in off the street to get plants judged is humorous. I can well imagine some
poor person all happy with the award, carrying it home proudly and telling
their friends and then getting a bill. That's the AOS for you.

I only have the DC location and they are open only one Saturday afternoon a
month. I would have to close my
greenhouse on my most profitable day to take plants in for judging. The
first two were done this way. The third was awarded at a show, in the
display of a friend who had borrowed it to put in his display. I usually
don't worry about getting my plants in front of judges. I have to basic
thrills: One is when a person I know to be a judge comes through my
greenhouse and points out nice flowers, unusual plants, or big specimen
and says, "Why don't we ever see these
things at judging? That one has gotta be a CCM!" To me that's the award.
The second is when people who
are not judges see something (with a red tag) and get all upset that its not
for sale because "Its the prettiest thing in the greenhouse." Admittedly my
second thrill is a bit sadistic, but it still provides just as good a
feeling as I get in that time between carrying home a provisional award and
when the bill comes from the AOS.

"Kenni Judd" wrote in message
Al: Thanks for trying, but I don't subscribe to AQ and I suspect that I'm
not alone on that amongst folks who've gotten AOS awards -- nor do I think
an AQ subscription should be a requirement for getting an award
registered. I had even let my AOS membership lapse, until I got the award
registration bill on Ocean Storm, in protest over various AOS practices at
its HQ (cool-growing Miltoniopsis in the [south Florida] gift shop,
labelled only "Miltonia Hybrid," Dendrobiums planted in the ground in full
sun to "decorate" the grounds while they die ...). So I didn't have a
current Orchids to go searching in [had I even thought of that, which I
confess I didn't].

Florida is a VERY LONG state ... Jacksonville is a 6+ hour drive from
here, Orlando is 4+ hours, and even Miami is 2+. Awards are not THAT
important to me, so I only go to the judging at AOS HQ (1+ hour), and then
only when it fits between shows (judging is on Saturdays, so I'm usually
busy elsewhere). But having gone to all that trouble, and then _promptly_
registering both new grexes with RHS, I am admittedly VERY annoyed that
it's taken another YEAR in each case to actually get the award registered
with AOS.

By asking around, I did ultimately find someone who could put me in touch
with the right someone to finalize both of my awards (although I still
don't have the certificate on Ocean Storm (awarded 10/04), which was
allegedly mailed the week of 1/9/06, after my check arrived on 1/4/06, so
maybe I'm speaking too soon about that one). My point is that people need
to be TOLD how to complete this process, at the time they get the award,
in writing.

It seems that at most judging centers, the judges and a few large
commercial growers are getting all the awards; they know how to do it, and
the local staff knows they know how to do it, so there's no perceived need
for instructions sheets, and maybe no need at all. But at AOS HQ, there
are actually some folks just "off the street" (not judges, growers, or
even AOS members) that bring in their orchids for judging, along with some
smaller local growers like me. Most of them don't get awards, but when
one does, s/he gets no instructions whatsoever about what to do next --
and doesn't have an Orchids magazine or AQ to go searching through. Many
of them probably don't even know there's supposed to be more involved than
taking home the provisional award sheet with the sticker on it ...
unless/until someone gets around to sending them a bill ... which they
wouldn't have been expecting, because there's no notice posted anywhere
that getting an award will cost you $$.


"Al" wrote in message
P.S. That stupid PDF file does not seem to contain phone numbers or
email addresses. The Orchids Magazine used too have these and the most
recent Awards Quarterly does still have them, but I worry about posting
this info here.

"Al" wrote in message

I don't know which Judging Center has jurisdiction in the area where the
plants were awarded. There are three Judging centers in Florida. Lucky

Florida-Caribbean Center has a Miami address.
Florida North Central Center has a Jacksonville address
Orlando has an Orange Park address.

They all have Judging Center Chair names and contact info, phone numbers
email addresses, etc. I found a list in the back of Awards Quarterly.
It is also published in Orchids Magazine every month (or it used to
be). I also found a list online at

Here is a link to a pdf file that the AOS says contains the most current
contact info. I would contact the judging chair of the Center closest
to wherever the plants were awarded.

I do fries and I slice beef. I also deep fry chicken in a special
secret batter known only to Roy Rogers and as far as I know he took it
to his grave. If he ever told Trigger or Dale Evans the secret batter
ingredients, they never talked, at least not to me. Trigger never did
like me much anyway after I..... but that incident is best forgotten.

Happy Trails.

  #50   Report Post  
Old 24-01-2006, 06:50 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Posts: n/a
Default Award Registration BY AOS

I just looked at the paperwork for the CHM that I still need to get
processed some day, and the form letter that I was sent states that the
paperwork needs to be given to the chair of the judging center. I've never
gotten an award on a hybrid so I don't know what paperwork they send along
with those. The contact info for the judging center chair doesn't appear on
the paperwork I have (there may have had a name and address on the envelope,
but I threw that away.) Of course I know the judging center chair so that
isn't a problem for me.

"danny" wrote in message
I forwarded part of this thread to a knowledgable person and the answer I
got is that the paperwork on these provisional awards needs to be dealt
with by the judging center that gave the award. If you give any
information to Pam Guist the only thing she can do is send it back to the
center that gave the award. The center that gave you the provisional award
should have given you their contact info to finish off the process.

  #51   Report Post  
Old 24-01-2006, 07:07 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Kenni Judd
Posts: n/a
Default Award Registration BY AOS

Danny: All I got back, either time, was the top sheet of the triplicate
form you put on the plant when you enter it, with the sticker on it.
Someone from the judging center did, each time, ask me for a clonal name.

"danny" wrote in message
I just looked at the paperwork for the CHM that I still need to get
processed some day, and the form letter that I was sent states that the
paperwork needs to be given to the chair of the judging center. I've never
gotten an award on a hybrid so I don't know what paperwork they send along
with those. The contact info for the judging center chair doesn't appear
on the paperwork I have (there may have had a name and address on the
envelope, but I threw that away.) Of course I know the judging center
chair so that isn't a problem for me.

"danny" wrote in message
I forwarded part of this thread to a knowledgable person and the answer I
got is that the paperwork on these provisional awards needs to be dealt
with by the judging center that gave the award. If you give any
information to Pam Guist the only thing she can do is send it back to the
center that gave the award. The center that gave you the provisional
award should have given you their contact info to finish off the process.

  #52   Report Post  
Old 24-01-2006, 07:26 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Kenni Judd
Posts: n/a
Default Award Registration BY AOS

Al -- the thought is appreciated!

I am sorry I wasn't clear and that my offer to help was not helpful.

Yes, but it also needs to be a specific person there (and there isn't
really a "there" in terms of a physical address, so far as I can tell ... ).
I went hunting on the AOS site and thus reached Pam Guist, who directed me
to someone with the judging center, who forwarded me on to someone more
junior, who then got it up to Pam about a month later.

I am glad you got the info you needed. Was my assumption correct? Did
need to contact the Judging center closest to where your various awards
given? Where these the people you ultimately contacted who gave you the
help you were looking for? SNIP

Yes, I can picture (and hear!) it, too G.

Your description of the AOS headquarters judging routine and people
in off the street to get plants judged is humorous. I can well imagine
poor person all happy with the award, carrying it home proudly and telling
their friends and then getting a bill. That's the AOS for you.

Same general story here -- the WPB center usually meets on the 4th Saturday,
so I rarely get there. And last time I did, I ended up taking the
registrations, because no judging staff was on hand to do so, but when
others saw me filling out my own, they wouldn't let me get away from the
table G.

Orlando is, I think, the 2nd Saturday, but I'd have to be _very_ confident
that I had an FCC in hand to make that drive, and the other two are worse
(Jax would have to be an overnight stay). Kenni

I only have the DC location and they are open only one Saturday afternoon
a month. I would have to close my
greenhouse on my most profitable day to take plants in for judging.

  #53   Report Post  
Old 31-01-2006, 11:55 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Kenni Judd
Posts: n/a
Default "Progress" Update

Pam Giust at AOS claims my award certificate was mailed 1/12/06 (for an
award given 10/04). The slide was to be mailed the following week. Having
not received either, yet, I contacted her yesterday, she says she'll mail a
new certificate ... Kenni

  #54   Report Post  
Old 01-02-2006, 10:16 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Kenni Judd
Posts: n/a
Default Award Certificate Arrived

Got it today! Still looking for the slide, which was to have been mailed
the week of 1/16. Kenni

"Kenni Judd" wrote in message
Pam Giust at AOS claims my award certificate was mailed 1/12/06 (for an
award given 10/04). The slide was to be mailed the following week.
Having not received either, yet, I contacted her yesterday, she says
she'll mail a new certificate ... Kenni

  #55   Report Post  
Old 01-02-2006, 11:30 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Susan Erickson
Posts: n/a
Default Award Certificate Arrived

On Wed, 1 Feb 2006 17:16:40 -0500, "Kenni Judd"

Got it today! Still looking for the slide, which was to have been mailed
the week of 1/16. Kenni

Maybe I will have to take your suggestions and start tracing my award
down there. We have a Bulbo that was last March and I have heard
nothing on it. I personally doubt it got that far.

  #56   Report Post  
Old 02-02-2006, 09:26 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Kenni Judd
Posts: n/a
Default Award Certificate Arrived

Sue: I'm still not sure I understand this entire process, so I hope that
someone more knowledgeable will please correct any mistakes and fill in any
blanks. But as far as I can tell:

If your plant already had a grex name (registered), then your job was
theoretically done, and you definitely need to track down the person at your
judging center in charge of registering awards, because you should have had
your certificate a long time ago.

If it was a previously-unregistered hybrid, then you were supposed to (1)
register it with RHS (with permission of the originator, if s/he can be
found through due diligence; if you can't find him or her after good-faith
efforts, you register it as "originator unknown"). And then, as I
eventually found out, you were supposed to (2) send a copy to someone at the
judging center which granted the provisional award. If you've done (1) but
not (2), then again, you need to track down that person and convince them
that you've done (1). If it's already showing on the RHS site, or in
WildCatt, you may be able to just tell him or her that; otherwise, I think
they'll want a paper copy of your RHS registration.

I never heard it before this thread started, but a previous poster suggested
that there's a 1-year time limit on provisional awards. If that's correct,
and you have not yet accomplished (1), it might be too late. Kenni

"Susan Erickson" wrote in message
On Wed, 1 Feb 2006 17:16:40 -0500, "Kenni Judd"

Got it today! Still looking for the slide, which was to have been mailed
the week of 1/16. Kenni

Maybe I will have to take your suggestions and start tracing my award
down there. We have a Bulbo that was last March and I have heard
nothing on it. I personally doubt it got that far.

  #57   Report Post  
Old 02-02-2006, 09:45 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Kenni Judd
Posts: n/a
Default Award Slides

Rob -- you've piqued my curiosity (dangerous G).

I can't imagine that this a common occurrence, but please do let me know if
I'm wrong about that. Either way, assume: John Smith and I both get awards
on seedlings of C. A x B. Both of us try hard, but can't find the
hybridizer, and therefore submit our registrations O/U, but Mr. Smith's
papers get there before mine. I would agree that his grex name should take
precedence, but what happens to the award on my "clone"??? I assume but do
not know for sure that RHS would send my registration papers back "rejected"
(hopefully with specifics on the name that got ahead of me ...) If not, how
do I find out? [And yes, I know that's mostly an RHS problem, but it's AOS
that makes my award provisional till I square it with RHS, so I figure AOS
has stuck its foot in it G.]


And if it is already in progress (somebody submitted the paperwork a week
before you do), it gets more complicated.

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