#1   Report Post  
Old 01-03-2006, 04:04 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Posts: n/a

I am a member of a newsgroup called uk.rec.gardening. Since last week end
that group has been flooded with nonsense emails in their thousands.
Thousands is no exaggeration - I reckon at least 16,000 must have been
posted over the last four or five days, making it impossible for the group
to function normally. I am told by others that the intention of these pests
is to shut down the uk hierarchy and that uk.rec.gardening is not the only
group targeted. Surely Wanadoo can do something to block this rubbish
before it hits our screens? I believe some other Providers can do that so I
hope, most sincerely, that Wanadoo is intending to do the same.

Some of the emails originate at telia.com who will not answer complaints.
Below is just one sample from the thousands we have been bombarded with:

Sacha Hubbard

news.theplanet.net!nntp.theplanet.net!inewsm1.nntp .theplanet.net!newsfeed00.
sul.t-online.de!t-online.de!newsfeed.freenet.de!border2.nntp.ams.gig anews.co
m!nntp.giganews.com!feeder1.cambrium.nl!feed.tweak news.nl!newsgate.cistron.n
l!news.tele.dk!news.tele.dk!small.news.tele.dk!new speer2.se.telia.net!se.tel
ia.net!masternews.telia.net.!newsb.telia.net.POSTE D!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: uk.rec.gardening
Subject: are you poor, I mean, fearing about sharp walnuts
Organization: until Kristen seeks the diets loudly, Samantha won't kill any
difficult lights
Lines: 73
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 15:48:15 GMT

X-Trace: newsb.telia.net 1141228095 (Wed, 01 Mar 2006
16:48:15 CET)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 16:48:15 CET
Xref: news.theplanet.net uk.rec.gardening:387551

Elisa's dust joins around our grocer after we dye behind it.
Every clever code or doorway, and she'll seemingly burn everybody. The
ugly button rarely expects Gavin, it smells Endora instead.
Where will you hate the cheap wet caps before Pamela does?

As locally as Vincent covers, you can play the kettle much more
sadly. For Dickie the sauce's abysmal, without me it's sharp, whereas
with you it's cooking fat. We strongly order behind Janet when the
lazy envelopes converse to the sad stable. Ricky, in front of
ulcers long and humble, cares inside it, attacking admiringly.
He can move once, arrive lovingly, then explain against the tailor
in front of the bedroom.

I am badly strange, so I irritate you. They are pouring in worthwhile,
against smart, before glad puddles. Do not seek halfheartedly while you're
answering beneath a full cloud. Eliza! You'll dream pumpkins.
There, I'll sow the dose.

Lots of dry tired cans partly learn as the closed coconuts call. It's very
kind today, I'll promise weekly or Tim will help the onions. Are you
think, I mean, filling near wide plates?

While jugs grudgingly love pens, the gardners often laugh to the
blunt stickers. Better lift papers now or Simone will wastefully
taste them between you. Well Pete will grasp the pool, and if
GiGi deeply behaves it too, the enigma will walk at the sticky
ventilator. Don't try to comb a ticket!

He can live simply if Marion's diet isn't easy. If the lower
eggs can depart freely, the short bowl may clean more rivers. Tell
Kristen it's handsome shouting beside a ointment. Kathy kicks, then
Edwin slowly opens a younger farmer behind Chuck's ceiling. Get your
gently irrigating coffee under my hall. Both pulling now, Fred and
Milton received the dark autumns between rude cat. It wandered, you
scolded, yet Ronette never smartly talked below the barn.

A lot of open bandages solve Melvin, and they annually believe
Evan too. The pitcher to the lean ocean is the goldsmith that
likes generally. Occasionally, lemons climb outside fresh mountains, unless
noisy. Ben creeps the butcher about hers and rigidly fears.
What does Paulie recollect so lazily, whenever Ann excuses the
clean desk very easily? He'll be improving with hot Jezebel until his
unit kills wickedly. She wants to tease polite tyrants beside
Eliza's corner. Almost no unique young hens will familiarly
measure the painters. You won't nibble me wasting alongside your
sour mirror. One more bushs will be healthy dull cards. If you'll
look Varla's swamp with aches, it'll finitely change the candle.

Other empty sick teachers will dine steadily towards weavers. Who
rejects angrily, when Darcy attempts the weak case over the station?
Gawd, Edwina never moulds until Betty recommends the inner raindrop
weakly. Otherwise the tree in Cathy's carrot might jump some
good spoons. Donovan, have a angry fig. You won't judge it.
Lots of upper thin tape shouts sauces around Zachary's brave

Where Steve's blank twig promises, Angela behaves below active,
pretty earths. Every poor dryers behind the rich drawer were
judging inside the hollow arena. Some jars like, talk, and depart. Others
globally laugh. Where did Vincent sow the ball about the bizarre
cobbler? He might absolutely arrive proud and excuses our new,
strong elbows through a plain. The pickles, wrinkles, and barbers are all
lost and heavy. Little by little, it calls a bucket too cold
in front of her outer light. If you will burn Tony's obelisk
without frogs, it will sneakily learn the shoe. Just combing
in front of a carpenter without the fog is too dirty for Jonnie to
recommend it. Until Roberta dyes the jackets subtly, Eliza won't
smell any bad caves. We taste the weird tag. Tomorrow, go pour a
porter! Where doesn't Jonathan kick partially? To be elder or
distant will care stale cups to wrongly grasp.

  #2   Report Post  
Old 01-03-2006, 11:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Peter Stockdale
Posts: n/a

"Sacha" wrote in message
I am a member of a newsgroup called uk.rec.gardening. Since last week end
that group has been flooded with nonsense emails in their thousands.
Thousands is no exaggeration - I reckon at least 16,000 must have been
posted over the last four or five days, making it impossible for the group
to function normally. I am told by others that the intention of these
is to shut down the uk hierarchy and that uk.rec.gardening is not the only
group targeted. Surely Wanadoo can do something to block this rubbish
before it hits our screens? I believe some other Providers can do that so
hope, most sincerely, that Wanadoo is intending to do the same.

Some of the emails originate at telia.com who will not answer complaints.
Below is just one sample from the thousands we have been bombarded with:

Sacha Hubbard

Interestingly today's little flood stopped after your post on my reader.
Fortunately my systems filter out 90 odd percent of the "stuff".

Commiserations with 16000 !


  #4   Report Post  
Old 02-03-2006, 09:07 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Rusty Hinge 2
Posts: n/a

The message
from "Peter Stockdale" contains these words:

Some of the emails originate at telia.com who will not answer complaints.
Below is just one sample from the thousands we have been bombarded with:

Interestingly today's little flood stopped after your post on my reader.
Fortunately my systems filter out 90 odd percent of the "stuff".

Commiserations with 16000 !

Indeed. None of those seen here.

Direct reply to: horrid dot squeak snailything zetnet point co period uk
Separator in search of a sig
  #5   Report Post  
Old 02-03-2006, 09:12 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown
Posts: n/a

madgardener wrote:
"Peter Stockdale" wrote in message

"Sacha" wrote in message

snipwhackprudiciously pruning, but great words
and examples

Interestingly today's little flood stopped after your post on my reader.
Fortunately my systems filter out 90 odd percent of the "stuff".

Commiserations with 16000 !


just to keep on the same page, Sacha, I, too sent a letter to the
after reading your post. I only attached one.

Why are you mithering

The latest abuse was injected at telia.com

You should look at the full headers for routing details and
X-Complaints-To: and check them for possible (likely) forgery.

The sooner multiple complaints reach the source ISP the faster they can
act. Unfortunately at weekends some are totally unresponsive.

Bulk cancels usually catch up with the garbage on most newsservers after
a while but if you download them in the meanwhile it is a bit tedious
(especially for anyone still on dialup). Waiting a while for cancels to
get processed may help.

NNTP-Posting-Host: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

appearing in the headers provides a means to filter them based on the
point of injection. I would be tempted to block every foreign ISP that
gets abused in this way inside Usenet uk.* if I were on dialup.

Telia appear to be thoroughly incompetant to be taken for a ride from
the same injection point on two days running.


Provides a means to block them until they morph to a new IP address.

Martin Brown

  #6   Report Post  
Old 02-03-2006, 09:20 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Crazy Dog
Posts: n/a

"Martin Brown" wrote in message


Telia appear to be thoroughly incompetant to be taken for a ride from
the same injection point on two days running.


I'm sure I wasn't the only one to report it to on both days.

Crazy Dog
(Standing by for a third batch from at about 15:30 today)

  #7   Report Post  
Old 02-03-2006, 09:26 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Posts: n/a

On 2/3/06 0:11, in article , "madgardener"

"Peter Stockdale" wrote in message

"Sacha" wrote in message

snipwhackprudiciously pruning, but great words
and examples

Interestingly today's little flood stopped after your post on my reader.
Fortunately my systems filter out 90 odd percent of the "stuff".

Commiserations with 16000 !


just to keep on the same page, Sacha, I, too sent a letter to the
after reading your post. I only attached one. I wish I
could have sent them the 160 that were there when I came here. Anyone else
I can send these things to that might get the asshole who's written them
into deep shit? snip

The obvious place to complain to is telia. com but writing to your own ISP
or any other ISP you can see in these morons' headers should start to bring
some pressure to bear. And I'm looking forward to the spring newsletter.
This morning we have a heavy frost - for Devon! Everything is white with
the exception of the lawn under the big cedar tree. The ponds are frozen
over and the dogs are looking as if they're contemplating their own re-run
of the figure skating Olympics! But the sky is blue and the sun is shining.
The birds are flirting madly and the rooks are doing their usual half-witted
thing of dropping nest-making sticks onto the ground and then lumbering back
up to the woods to get more, rather than simply going down to the earth
beneath their rookery to pick up the ones they dropped!
South Devon

  #8   Report Post  
Old 02-03-2006, 09:54 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Posts: n/a

Crazy Dog wrote:

I'm sure I wasn't the only one to report it to on both days.

I've reported it to google beta group (my thunderbird is having problem
atm) - didn't get a report message, nofink at all.

  #9   Report Post  
Old 02-03-2006, 09:57 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sally Thompson
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 09:26:46 +0000, Sacha wrote
(in article ) :


This morning we have a heavy frost - for Devon! Everything is white with
the exception of the lawn under the big cedar tree. The ponds are frozen
over and the dogs are looking as if they're contemplating their own re-run
of the figure skating Olympics! But the sky is blue and the sun is shining.
The birds are flirting madly and the rooks are doing their usual half-witted
thing of dropping nest-making sticks onto the ground and then lumbering back
up to the woods to get more, rather than simply going down to the earth
beneath their rookery to pick up the ones they dropped!

Our outside thermometer showed a minimum temperature of -6 degrees C last
night! Our pond was also not surprisingly well frozen but the birds are
going mad up here too. I see from my records that I sowed my first seeds in
the greenhouse on 23rd March last year, but at the moment that doesn't seem a
very good idea this year. The log fire with a cat on my lap seems to have
more appealg

Sally in Shropshire, UK
bed and breakfast near Ludlow: http://www.stonybrook-ludlow.co.uk
Burne-Jones/William Morris window in Shropshire church:

  #10   Report Post  
Old 02-03-2006, 11:58 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Flower Bobdew
Posts: n/a

In article , Crazy Dog

"Martin Brown" wrote in message


Telia appear to be thoroughly incompetant to be taken for a ride from
the same injection point on two days running.


I'm sure I wasn't the only one to report it to on both days.

You weren't.

Flower Bobdew
South Facing Garden
South West: UK

  #12   Report Post  
Old 02-03-2006, 04:22 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Alan Holmes
Posts: n/a

"Martin" wrote in message
On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 11:58:42 +0000, Flower Bobdew

In article , Crazy Dog

"Martin Brown" wrote in message


Telia appear to be thoroughly incompetant to be taken for a ride from
the same injection point on two days running.


I'm sure I wasn't the only one to report it to on both

You weren't.

Did you get a reply?

I didn't and I've sent them several.



  #14   Report Post  
Old 02-03-2006, 04:35 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Posts: n/a

"Peter Stockdale" wrote in message

"Sacha" wrote in message
I am a member of a newsgroup called uk.rec.gardening.

I am told by others that the intention of these
is to shut down the uk hierarchy and that uk.rec.gardening is not the
group targeted. Surely Wanadoo can do something to block this rubbish
before it hits our screens?

Don't worry Wannadoo have listened to all these complaints and ......
...... are stopping all newsgroups from 7th March.*

I'm moving to another ISP but am still in the 12month contract period.
However as far as I am concerned they are in breach of contract - but they
don't reply to emails and so far letters either.

*Posted 17/2/06

"Dear Wanadoo Newsgroups reader and user,

From 17th March, the way you read your Newsgroups will be changing. We'll no
longer be able to provide a Usenet/Newsgroups feed.

Although we cannot ourselves recommend an alternative Usenet/Newsgroups
service, the following is a brief list of operators recommended by newsgroup
viewers and contributors:

(List of free news servers)

Thanks for your contributions to Usenet over the years - and sorry that we
can't continue our service.


  #15   Report Post  
Old 02-03-2006, 05:48 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Alan Holmes
Posts: n/a

"Martin" wrote in message
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 16:22:05 GMT, "Alan Holmes"

"Martin" wrote in message
. ..
On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 11:58:42 +0000, Flower Bobdew

In article , Crazy Dog

"Martin Brown" wrote in message


Telia appear to be thoroughly incompetant to be taken for a ride from
the same injection point on two days running.


I'm sure I wasn't the only one to report it to on both

You weren't.

Did you get a reply?

I didn't and I've sent them several.

Me too!

Maybe they think they are being flooded.

But will that persuade them to do something about the problem!



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