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  #16   Report Post  
Old 17-09-2008, 10:01 PM posted to aus.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 25
Default Be aware.

No one said that the offer was a scam.
But until the net becomes a safer place, usenet is not a very good place
to do this.
Set up a website and let us know by all means, but advertise the fact by
other means.
As far as withdrawing the offer goes, there are so many offers on the
Internet, that they get lost.
The best way to do this is by adding it to the google search engine.
Regarding hurt feelings, many have wondered why they were suddenly
Unfortunately the animals sneak in with the humans. This is what happens
regularly with "posers"
who pretend to help, when they are really scamming people. You dont have
to be paranoid to avoid being infected.
If you dont understand this by now, you should.
The nasty responses I have gotten by writing about this shows what I mean.
I repair computers part time and I see regular occurrences of this
People click on a link and its malicious.
I was not attacking anyone like you " if you're genuine", but safety is
paramount, and a genuine person would understand that.
You seem to be very touchy about this, so it remains to be seen.

  #17   Report Post  
Old 18-09-2008, 12:45 AM posted to aus.gardens
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,358
Default Be aware.

"mulligrub" ] wrote in message
"FarmI" ask@itshall be givenwrote:
"mulligrub" ] wrote in message
"FarmI" ask@itshall be givenwrote:
"Jon" wrote in message
Gooday all
Be aware there are some in this gardening area who are looking to
your computers by giving false links and phishing sites.
They will gain your confidence and take over your computer by various

It pays to stay clear of these persons.

Dont click on any links and make sure your anti spyware and anti virus
programs are up to date.
And last of all, they can impersonate others as well...
They have done so to me lately..

And also there is a new Trojan going around that is attached to a very
poorly written notice about how "you've been doing illegal downloads on
the internet and your ISP is going to disconnect you. See your record
illegal activities in the attachment". And my ISP hasn't yet filtered
stuff out and I'm not even sure if the lalest download of my security
software can pick it up yet.

You would open and read such a topic/subject?

Oh.. you have. Cos you have.

[shakes head in awe]

Don't be stupid.

Be very sure the description does not fit.

Thanks for the advice but I don't need it. I wasn't the one to assume that
another poster was stupid enough to open an attachment solely on the basis
of a warning response to the OP.

Of course I haven't opened the attachment.

Good to hear.
I knew that Jon (who is that man?) was taking a liberty
in judging Gardeners so lowly!

Once again I see that comment as being a case of the pot calling the kettle
black. I didn't read Jon's post as being a personal affront to me or as
taking liberties about any gardener either specifically or globally.

I read it as a post from someone who had recently had the frustration of a
problem on his PC. Since I too had just received the Trojan spam and was
ticked off that neither my antivirus software or that of my ISP had managed
to filter it out, I could well identify with his being ****ed off. If you
can't than that is your problem.

The first thing I did when I read the illiterate email I received was to
go onto the
Web and do a hunt for Trojans. It's new and all warnings I could find on
the Net seem to be dated from 15 September. See if your virus sofware
pick it up:

The first thing I did was to cut and paste
Next I found the article myself using the links on that page.
No.. it is not that I do not trust *you*, I don't _trust_ your skills.
How do I know you are a Guru? How do I know you are not a Guru?
I do the work myself.
That is Smart.

Indeed, it is smart but once again, I will point out to you, that you
automatically assumed that I was stupid enough to open an attachment. That
isn't smart because you did so on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. I
never said I opened the attachment so if you had doubts it would have been
smart to do the work you should have done and asked me if I had opened it.
You didn't do that work. Not smart.

  #18   Report Post  
Old 18-09-2008, 12:48 AM posted to aus.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,358
Default Be aware.

"Tim Perry" wrote in message

Right, Let me explain this once, and then we can all get back to
gardening issues.

A lady that my son helped with her computer problems thought it would
be nice to share info on a software prog, so she posted it.
And that's it, that's all there is.
Yes, he belongs to a very small group of computer programming
enthusiasts who like to swap the software they have written.
He does not head some giant international scam to steal all your
priceless photographic art.
We have done nothing to warrant such a response, but seeing that it has
upset so many people, he has withdrawn the offer.

Did "nothing to warrant such a response"? Get over yourself. Jon didn't
accuse your son of posting spam or of slander but YOU took it on board that
he had done so. IF you choose to be paranoid and issue accusations on the
basis of your own paranoia then you must expect what you get, and you got
what you deserve.

  #19   Report Post  
Old 18-09-2008, 01:27 AM posted to aus.gardens
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 25
Default Be aware.

Thanks for backing me up Farm1
I had the pleasure of taking a phone call one morning (which I reported
to the police) threatening to do me in.
Possible because I was helping someone as his/her system was being used
as a bot and its screwed his careful setup.
The person trying to use their won computer knew he was infected.
I laughed at the "idiot" on the phone and called his bluff.
Sadly he didnt leave a message the second time when the answering
machine was on.

But by replying to him at different times, I had inadvertently allowed
him onto my system.
Somehow the programs they use allows them access to your computer. My
phone number was on the computer somewhere.
I did it as an experiment by baiting the "idiot" to see how secure my
computer was, and was not surprised
that we are all at risk.
Something to think about while asking questions on this forum.
Yep I am disgusted by these happenings too.
Its almost like being on a city street and having to put up with the
dregs of society.
These guys also impersonate others as well as agreeing with themselves
under different names in this forum using a program, which
is quite legitimate called Agent. it has one redeeming feature in that
its easily traced.
They can hide but will be found....
I'm very angry that these people, without brains, dont see that they
are the reason the world ends up kicking them up the bum,
and they will never amount to much because of their attitude.
Then they play the blame game.
  #20   Report Post  
Old 18-09-2008, 01:40 AM posted to aus.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 25
Default Be aware.

You having a sickie, Jon?
No pal were investigating you.
Some day soon!

  #21   Report Post  
Old 18-09-2008, 04:18 AM posted to aus.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 25
Default Be aware.

RB Milligrub what ever your new fantasy name is.

Dont know why youre so exited.

Others are also wondering.
Why pick on gardening when its obviously hanging around computers being

  #22   Report Post  
Old 18-09-2008, 04:38 AM
Registered User
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 94

Originally Posted by Jon[_7_] View Post
No one said that the offer was a scam.
That's fair enough Jon, and I will take heed of your comments, I
suppose if I was a scammer I would have known all that anyway.
But I have to say, the posting was made before I was aware, and done in all innocence, and with the best of intentions.

I only became involved when it appeared that my son was being 'got at', and then I was quite naturally annoyed.

Had someone taken the trouble to explain earlier, rather than resort to insult and swearing, it would have been fine.
Maybe over there that sort of thing is considered O.K., but here
it would provoke a very different reaction.

Anyway, I can promise you that on-one suffered any breach of their privacy as a result of that site, so no harm done.
Let's just leave it at that.
  #23   Report Post  
Old 18-09-2008, 05:31 AM posted to aus.gardens
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 25
Default Be aware.

*Just to show you what can be done... See below and verify from link...

From this link :
"They" get very annoyed when I put this into these areas, yet any search
will find the details

## Connections make the world go round ##*

The computer world, at any rate. Every single time you open up a
website, send an email or upload your webpages into cyberspace, you are
connecting to another machine in order to get the job done. This, of
course, presents a major problem, because this simple act is what allows
malicious users to target a machine in the first place.

*# How do these people find their victim?*

Well, first of all, they need to get hold of the victim's IP Address.
Your IP (Internet Protocol) address reveals your point of entry to the
Internet and can be used in many ways to cause your online activities
many, many problems. It may not reveal you by name, but it may be
uniquely identifiable and it represents your digital ID while you are
online (especially so if you're on a fixed IP / DSL etc).

With an IP address, a Hacker can find out all sorts of weird and
wonderful things about their victim (as well as causing all kinds of
other trouble, the biggest two being Portnukes/Trojans and the dreaded
DoS ((Denial of Service)) attack). Some Hackers like to collect IP
Addresses like badges, and like to go back to old targets, messing them
around every so often. An IP address is incredibly easy to obtain -
until recently, many realtime chat applications (such as MSN) were
goldmines of information. Your IP Address is contained as part of the
Header Code on all emails that you send and webpages that you visit can
store all kinds of information about you. A common trick is for the
Hacker to go into a Chatroom, paste his supposed website address all
over the place, and when the unsuspecting victim visits, everything
about your computer from the operating system to the screen resolution
can be logged...and, of course, the all important IP address. In
addition, a simple network-wide port scan will reveal vulnerable target
machines, and a war-dialler will scan thousands of lines for exposed
modems that the hacker can exploit.

So now that you know some of the basic dangers, you're probably
wondering how these people connect to a victim's machine?

  #24   Report Post  
Old 18-09-2008, 05:59 AM posted to aus.gardens
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 25
Default Be aware.

I am not nasty like you.
Youre a victim of your own upbringing.
Youre still getting upset at being exposed, or me exposing what goes on
  #25   Report Post  
Old 19-09-2008, 12:30 AM posted to aus.gardens
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Posts: 25
Default Be aware.

Why am I an idiot? It fits you better Askclown
You call me names, just because of warning what you guys have been doing.
The response from you is idiotic, unless you have a reason to flame me.
I would suggest if they havent installed a program called spybot, they
should, to see if theyre infected.
But if you have adaware installed it will conflict at this point in time.
(look it up on the internet google it and wikipedia should give you
the correct sites)
Dont go the sites which may/could be the source for infection,
posing as these programs, which is happening more and more.

I am not giving you any links due to clueless parrots and clowns could
accuse me of
trying to compromise your machines.

  #26   Report Post  
Old 19-09-2008, 06:57 AM posted to aus.gardens
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,358
Default Be aware.

"mulligrub" ] wrote in message
"FarmI" ask@itshall be givenwrote:
"mulligrub" ] wrote in message
"FarmI" ask@itshall be givenwrote:


Don't be stupid.
Be very sure the description does not fit.

Thanks for the advice but I don't need it.


I was referring to myself.

Fair enough.

For the rest?
I discount it three ways.
One, you do not read so good.

I will admit that I do have trouble reading forms of English that don't
follow the normal conventions. Your posts often don't make sense but I had
assumed that was a deliberate policy on your part.

Two, you are dodging - after the fact.

If it makes you feel good to think so, go right ahead.

Threeeeee, you need to take your own advice.
"Get over yourself."

Fair enough.

eh, maaaaaaaaaate!

Now, can everyone just settle and can that
Spammers arse by dropping the Topic?

OK by me, but as the ng is otherwise a bit slow at the moment (and in the
best traditions of thread drift), perhaps you can start by saying what are
you doing in the garden?

  #27   Report Post  
Old 19-09-2008, 11:53 AM posted to aus.gardens
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 25
Default Never mind Ignore me.

I tried.

  #28   Report Post  
Old 20-09-2008, 11:29 AM posted to aus.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,358
Default Be aware.

"mulligrub" ] wrote in message
"FarmI" ask@itshall be givenwrote:

OK by me, but as the ng is otherwise a bit slow at the moment (and in the
best traditions of thread drift), perhaps you can start by saying what are
you doing in the garden?

The newsgroup is slow as posters are not going to contribute whilst
you yourself (and others so inclined) are feeding a troll,

You are right of course. You are a troll. From now on you go into my
killfile. .

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