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  #16   Report Post  
Old 17-06-2005, 10:09 PM
Posts: n/a

George scribbled :

You are saying that the numbers you provided are in your drinking
water? Hmmm.

Only the hardness the rest are from my pond.
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  #17   Report Post  
Old 17-06-2005, 10:24 PM
Posts: n/a

George scribbled :
What is the
source of your water?

The water comes from a rain reservoir, I will obtain a hardness measuring
kit. My 5ppm are on the generous side, probably closer to 0 than 5. How do
I go about softening an entire pond of water?
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Gamertag: Devil Ray UK
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  #18   Report Post  
Old 18-06-2005, 12:13 PM
Posts: n/a

"KerplunKuK" wrote in message
George scribbled :

You are saying that the numbers you provided are in your drinking
water? Hmmm.

Only the hardness the rest are from my pond.
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Gamertag: Devil Ray UK
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  #19   Report Post  
Old 18-06-2005, 12:17 PM
Posts: n/a

"KerplunKuK" wrote in message
George scribbled :
What is the
source of your water?

The water comes from a rain reservoir, I will obtain a hardness measuring
kit. My 5ppm are on the generous side, probably closer to 0 than 5. How
I go about softening an entire pond of water?
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Gamertag: Devil Ray UK
Games: Flat Out, Worms, Links 04, RS3BA, Splinter Cell : CT, Top Spin,
Halo 2, GR2, PGR 2, Doom 3, Rallisport 2, Forza, NBA Inside Drive, NFL
Fever, Amped 2, Pariah, NHL Rivals

Essentially, you don't. I really wouldn't worry too much about it if the
fish and plants are doing well. But if by 5 ppm you are referring to the
nitrite levels, I would definitely consider doing at least a 5% water
change, 10% if you can spare the water.

  #20   Report Post  
Old 20-06-2005, 11:40 PM
Reel Mckoi
Posts: n/a

George wrote:
"KerplunKuK" wrote in message

George scribbled :

You are saying that the numbers you provided are in your drinking
water? Hmmm.

Only the hardness the rest are from my pond.
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Gamertag: Devil Ray UK
Games: Flat Out, Worms, Links 04, RS3BA, Splinter Cell : CT, Top Spin,
Halo 2, GR2, PGR 2, Doom 3, Rallisport 2, Forza, NBA Inside Drive, NFL
Fever, Amped 2, Pariah, NHL Rivals


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  #21   Report Post  
Old 21-06-2005, 01:49 PM
Hans Christian Andersen
Posts: n/a

When they knock on the door, I tell them to go away...if they refuse,
then my little dog with big teeth will assist them in finding their
way off my property. They better pray HARD that my dog doesn't find
their soft asses to sink his teeth into.

On 21 Jun 2005 04:01:49 -0000, er
(CamdenKing) wrote:

At the Door and Into the Home

It's a quiet Saturday afternoon. You're sitting in your favorite
chair, reading the newspaper. The doorbell rings. You answer it
and encounter two bright-faced people. They're well dressed, and
each carries a briefcase. For a moment you think they're going
to sell you life insurance, but they seem too cheerful for that.

You guess that they must be Jehovah's Witnesses, and sure enough
they start talking about a wondrous hope for the future. They
don't actually say they're Witnesses, but when one of them
whisks out a Bible you can see some copies of the Watchtower
magazine in his briefcase.

They ask you for your opinion of world events, and what you
think is going to happen if things continue to get worse. You
reflect that there are a lot of problems, and you do sometimes
wonder where it's leading. You invite them in to talk.

Now, normally you don't invite strangers into your home, but
these people seem harmless enough. You've heard about the
legendary honesty of Jehovah's Witnesses. You decide not to
worry about your possessions or your money.

There's something else you should worry about.

A Single Road to the Promised Land

Jehovah's Witnesses are trained to get people talking about "the
state of the world" and lead the discussion in such a way that
their religion will appear to be your only hope. If you are not
prepared for their indoctrination procedure, you may conclude
that only Jehovah's Witnesses can fill your life with meaning
and protect you from the trials and tribulations of life.

The first thing they do is cultivate your fear.

All of us are afraid of the unknown. What will happen tomorrow?
Will I be fired? What if there's a nuclear war? What if I get
sick? These 'what if' questions are the sparks that the
Witnesses will fan into a flame.

The Witnesses at your door have a purpose in mind: to convert
you to their religion. If you ask them point-blank if that is
their purpose, they will usually deny it. They will say that
they are there to discuss "the state of the world" or "the
Bible" or "a hope for the future". This evasiveness is
understandable; if they blatantly told people they were there to
convert them, they wouldn't get anybody to listen!

In building up your fear, Witnesses can cite countless
statistics to 'prove' that the world is in a dire state. Some of
their statements are true, some are out of date, and some are

Anybody can inadvertently deliver incorrect data. The Witnesses,
however, deliver selective information designed to paint a
woeful picture. While there are many things wrong with the
world, there are many good things, too. Most of the people who
read this article live in better health -- and longer -- than
the richest king of ancient times.

Alongside their bleak picture of the future, the Witnesses
present an image of a glorious future, where you will live
forever in a paradise. This is very appealing, and it is hard
not to be tempted. We all yearn for a 'Garden of Eden', and many
people take regular vacations in exotic locales such as Hawaii
or Tahiti to sample a bit of the good life.

At a Disadvantage

How can you throw them out when they're offering you such a
splendid future? Why should you get angry? Wouldn't that be
rude? The Witnesses make the most headway with people who are
polite. Their entire ministry would fail if people were less
friendly to uninvited people knocking at their door.

I am not suggesting that you be nasty to people who visit you
unannounced. However, if you are planning to debate with
Witnesses, bear in mind that they are well trained. They have a
weekly meeting (the Theocratic Ministry School) which is
designed to help them express ideas convincingly. The average
person is not as well qualified to argue such matters.

Even if you are well educated and articulate, you are probably
not well versed in religious matters. Witnesses 'live, eat and
breathe' their religion and can devastate most people in a
debate. They know their doctrine very well, because they study
it continuously. They've been taught answers to virtually every
objection, which brings to mind the salesman's credo: "If you
can answer every objection, you'll make the sale".

If you can answer every objection, it does not mean that you are
right (or that the product you are selling is better than the
rest). It means that you are better at debates than the other
person. Confidence tricksters ply their trade by convincing
people that the seemingly impossible is in fact possible. (I am
not equating Witnesses with criminals, by the way, but
demonstrating the principle that "Cogency is not validity". What
seems too good to be true is usually not true.)

For all their skill, Witnesses are not invincible debaters. It
is possible to poke a hole in their rhetoric -- especially if
you are familiar with their doctrine, or have a good background
in the Bible, science, or history. In such cases, Witnesses will
subtly sidestep the issue. (This debating tactic, and others,
are described in the article "Debating with Jehovah's

Watch for part #2

This message was sent via two or more anonymous remailing services.

  #22   Report Post  
Old 26-06-2005, 07:18 AM
Posts: n/a

On the subject of Algae

I have two ponds connected one with fish and some Lilly’s the other with
just plants. The upper one with just plants gets globs of algae on the
bottom, on the sides and in the roots of my floaters; the Lilly stems are
totally free of it. The bottom ponds with the fish dose not get any algae
on the bottom or on the sides but the Lilly stems are covered with the
stuff. The rocks at both my waterfalls have a layer of algae on them. The
globs are easy to get out and I like the time that I spend doing it. It’s
nice to piddle around at the pond. I spend at least an hour at the pond
doing al kinds of stuff. Also noted that the one with fish has no snails in
it but the upper one has. Question:

Do goldfish or Koi eat snails?

Should I brush the algae of the rocks on waterfall? When I do a lot of it
washes into the pond. Dose this spread the algae?

It is tempting to full the algae of the roots of the floaters and other
plans, is this good or am I doing more harm the good. Is it OK for them to
be covered with it?

PS: I never had an Algae bloom this year, and it's not a big problem. My
water is (still) clear.

  #23   Report Post  
Old 26-06-2005, 05:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi Rick!

Rick wrote

Do goldfish or Koi eat snails?

Yes, koi love a good snail. They will even eat land snails
if you toss them in.

Should I brush the algae of the rocks on waterfall? When I do a lot of it

washes into the pond. Dose this spread the algae?

Yes, it spreads it. Better to wind it around a long handled brush or
child's garden rake and remove it.

It is tempting to full the algae of the roots of the floaters and other

plans, is this good or am I doing more harm the good. Is it OK for
them to
be covered with it?

Basically, ok. Though some fish have been known to get tangled up in

PS: I never had an Algae bloom this year, and it's not a big problem. My water is (still) clear.

One of the reasons is the other forms of algae growing in the pond.
Somebody has to take up the nutrients in the pond and those two types
of algae are doing the job. If you could magically make them disappear
you might have a suspended single cell algae bloom, the type that makes
your water look like green pea soup.

Algae thrives on sun, fresh water, fish waste, fertilized run off,
rotting plants and blown in dirt. In new ponds and spring ponds algae
is always the first thing to start growing.
The best defense against algae is to have lots of plants to compete for
the nutrients, few fish, not overfeeding those fish, some shade and
cleaning up debris.

kathy :-)
this week ~ Mosquitoes!
Run For Your Life!

Pond 101 page for new pond keepers ~

  #24   Report Post  
Old 26-06-2005, 08:11 PM
~ janj
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 26 Jun 2005 06:18:04 GMT, "Rick" wrote:

On the subject of Algae

Only comment I have to add to the others. If your floaters look they they
may be doing poorly, possibly because of all the algae on the roots, you
can float them in a bucket of water with Potassium Permanganate. It will
kill the algae but the roots will be okay, just don't float them too long,
like an hour or so depending on the strength of the PP. ~ jan

See my ponds and filter design:

~Keep 'em Wet!~
Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
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  #25   Report Post  
Old 27-06-2005, 04:02 PM
Posts: n/a

Should I brush the algae of the rocks on waterfall? When I do a lot of it
washes into the pond. Dose this spread the algae?

I think you're fine.

It is tempting to full the algae of the roots of the floaters and other
plans, is this good or am I doing more harm the good. Is it OK for them to
be covered with it?

I think you can leave it alone.

What's the water temperature range in your area, winter to summer?

There are some fish that eat algae of this sort. American Flag Fish,
for example. I've seen it written that Chinese Weather Loaches also
eat algae, although that's a minority opinion. Good news is that they
aren't known to munch plant roots, really, so you could possibly put
a couple of these into your plant tank.


  #26   Report Post  
Old 28-06-2005, 02:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Hi Rick!

Rick wrote

Should I brush the algae of the rocks on waterfall? When I do a lot of it

washes into the pond. Dose this spread the algae?

Yes, it spreads it. Better to wind it around a long handled brush or
child's garden rake and remove it.

The algae on the rocks is dark green slime. No matter how I try, more goes
in to the pond then on the brush. So Leave it OR???

Thanks Rick!

  #27   Report Post  
Old 28-06-2005, 02:20 AM
Posts: n/a

How much PP Per gallon?

Kathy wrote:

On the subject of Algae

Only comment I have to add to the others. If your floaters look they they
may be doing poorly, possibly because of all the algae on the roots, you
can float them in a bucket of water with Potassium Permanganate. It will
kill the algae but the roots will be okay, just don't float them too long,
like an hour or so depending on the strength of the PP. ~ jan

  #28   Report Post  
Old 28-06-2005, 02:38 AM
Posts: n/a

I dunno about others but 30 PPM has always worked fine for me, as long
as there was not any fish or other critters that I wanted to survive
the doseing. It does a bang up job of cleanin gup everything and
anything at that rate

Odds are though if your not fighting a prtoblem as far as fish health
is concerned, the standard 2 ppm dose applied to the entire pond and
fish will do it all a bit of good, and probably reduce your nutrient
load and knock off the algae as well.

On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 01:20:20 GMT, "Rick" wrote:

===How much PP Per gallon?
===Kathy wrote:
===On the subject of Algae
=== Only comment I have to add to the others. If your floaters look they they
=== may be doing poorly, possibly because of all the algae on the roots, you
=== can float them in a bucket of water with Potassium Permanganate. It will
=== kill the algae but the roots will be okay, just don't float them too long,
=== like an hour or so depending on the strength of the PP. ~ jan

Put some color in your naked!
"The original frugal ponder"
~~~~ }((((o ~~~~~~ }{{{{o ~~~~~~~ }(((((o
  #30   Report Post  
Old 29-06-2005, 11:24 PM
Posts: n/a

Jan, interesting theory there.

Last year when I had massive algae blooms I was told by AUM (Auburn
University) and the Universtiy of Florida to dose my pond with PP,
to rid it of excessive nutrients. Any remaining junk after the second
dose if a second dose was needed would essentially be inert and add
little to no nutrient value to future algae blooms.......dunno if its
true or not, but thats what I was told by them.

I know my floaters like Sensitive Fern and frog bit had so much algae
built up on them you could not see the hair roots, and my lilys and
other plants had massive amounts of algae on their stems and
leaves...After my PP treatment the roots were like they were just
washed and totally free of any algae or otehr junk. It did take two
doses, but those 2 doses were a headstart in what my pond looks like
now, which has better than 36 inches of super visibility and in the
south in a natural pond this is almost unheard of especially when it
sets in full sun all day, and is filled by runoff and rainfall. I
would think a good filtration system would catch all the oxiidized
junk in a filtered pond, or it would settle out in a settlement
chamber, after a PP dose and not add much to a future algae
bloom....Just my perspective from what I have experienced.


On Mon, 27 Jun 2005 19:54:53 -0700, ~ janj

===On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 01:38:09 GMT, (~Roy~) wrote:
===I dunno about others but 30 PPM has always worked fine for me, as long
===as there was not any fish or other critters that I wanted to survive
===the doseing. It does a bang up job of cleanin gup everything and
===anything at that rate
===Odds are though if your not fighting a prtoblem as far as fish health
===is concerned, the standard 2 ppm dose applied to the entire pond and
===fish will do it all a bit of good, and probably reduce your nutrient
===load and knock off the algae as well.
===I don't recommend it in the pond for an algae problem, as it would be just
===like an algaecide. Killing it just creates more food for the next problem
===which could be worst.
===As far as knocking it off the roots in a separate bucket, I add enough to
===make the water a nice pretty purple... or iows, I've never measured, but it
===takes very little, depending on how big your bucket is. ~ jan
=== ~Power to the Porg, Flow On!~

Put some color in your naked!
"The original frugal ponder"
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