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  #31   Report Post  
Old 22-02-2005, 01:29 PM
Posts: n/a

Um, I didn't know plants could use KNO3 for nitrate. Duh...... I've
just made a note of that.
Well Tom. It looks like you might be "the man" and I need to get the
CO2 Bomb running or a yeast-CO2 generator for temporary. Looks lke I
need to dose some for of nitrates too. I figure theoretically I COULD
add lots of fish for the nitrate, I think I'll do the dosing for right

Man, the fish are easy to keep compared to these plants! On the other
hand, what am I doing? I saw a place on the net selling BGA. Imagine
that! I could have a regular farm here.
Thanks for all the help, really.
my aquarium page, info and pics at:

  #32   Report Post  
Old 22-02-2005, 05:38 PM
Posts: n/a

spiral_72 wrote:
Um, I didn't know plants could use KNO3 for nitrate. Duh...... I've
just made a note of that.
Well Tom. It looks like you might be "the man" and I need to get the
CO2 Bomb running or a yeast-CO2 generator for temporary. Looks lke I
need to dose some for of nitrates too. I figure theoretically I COULD
add lots of fish for the nitrate, I think I'll do the dosing for


Well Spiral, Let me tell you a little story about a boy and his fish.
You see, in the beginning, there was a boy who wanted to keep fish in a
square tank made of glass. He kept fish in the water, everyone was
happy. Some fish lived longer than others, some were lucky enough to
die of old age instead of cats, broken heaters, broken tanks, chlorine
poisining and other man made ailments.

Then one day the man realized he wasn't a boy any longer, yet he still
wanted to keep fish in glass tanks, but he had alot more money and he
could keep more fish in more water. These fish too, like their
ancestors, lived pretty much happy lives and some lived a long time.

Now the man, wanting to broaden his horizon and venture into new
aquatic worlds, tried keeping plants alive under water. "Heck, dahlias
are easy enough to grow outdoors in a totally uncontrolled environment,
it should be easy to keep aquatic weeds in water!"


The above site doesn't go into much detail on the real learning
adventure involved. Tom helped me a great deal. He also led me down
the primrose path to madness at the same time. I was about where
you are at now, when I started dumping in the ferts. Holy crap! Can
you ever grow algae with lots of light and nutrients! What I was
lacking was enough plants, lots of plants. Thick healthy plants. Only
when I'd covered the bottom of my tank with plants and plant bunches
did I see the algae finally take a backseat.

From what you've learned so far, you're on the right track. Here's

what I learned in short form.

Kill BGA with a blackout.
Dose KNO3 using the fert calculator on chucks aquarium pages.
Measure your Nitrates and Phosphate if you have those kits, and dose
With your zillion watt lights, you're going to have to have additional
C02. If you aren't adding any artifically, then your level is between
2 and 3 ppm. See the C02 calculator chart on Chucks Aquarium pages.
With C02, measurable levels of NPK in the ratio of 8:1:16, you'll be
amazed at how fast the plants grow and even more amazed to see the
remaining algae just sit there, sad, uneven to spread beyond the little
rock you've left it on.


  #33   Report Post  
Old 22-02-2005, 08:22 PM
Posts: n/a

My LFS guy said to use Sierra (SP?)flakes instead of TetraMin and
discontinue my sinking pellets for the Corys. He thinks the TetraMin
flakes are high in animal content and my little fish can't do anything
with the sinking pellets, thus they just dissolve into the gravel. I
thought that's what they were supposed to do actually. I thought the
cats picked up all the little pieces, but apparently not. With all that
stuff decaying, that would account for some of the phosphate. I just
can't believe I don't vacuum enough if that is the case. Any thoughts
on this?
I am trying to find a local supplier or KNO3 too.

Oh, Steve. Ya gotta pretty nice tank! Nice job.

my aquarium page, info and pics at:

  #34   Report Post  
Old 22-02-2005, 08:34 PM
Elaine T
Posts: n/a

spiral_72 wrote:
My LFS guy said to use Sierra (SP?)flakes instead of TetraMin and
discontinue my sinking pellets for the Corys. He thinks the TetraMin
flakes are high in animal content and my little fish can't do anything
with the sinking pellets, thus they just dissolve into the gravel. I
thought that's what they were supposed to do actually. I thought the
cats picked up all the little pieces, but apparently not. With all that
stuff decaying, that would account for some of the phosphate. I just
can't believe I don't vacuum enough if that is the case. Any thoughts
on this?
I am trying to find a local supplier or KNO3 too.

Oh, Steve. Ya gotta pretty nice tank! Nice job.

my aquarium page, info and pics at:

I've never heard of that brand of fish food. I've always had fish do
well on TetraMin but if you want to change foods, how about one of the
Hagen NutraFin series? They're formulated to be low in phosphate.

As for sinking pellets, Hikari makes a sinking wafer that doesn't
dissolve into mush in the gravel the way the Tetra one does.

__ Elaine T __
__' '__

  #35   Report Post  
Old 22-02-2005, 09:41 PM
Posts: n/a

I seem to be having a tough time finding local KNO3. It usually goes
something like this:
Sto Hello?
Me: Yea, I have a real quick question, do you sell potassium nitrate?
Me: Hello?
Sto Um
Me: Y'know? It's used in plant fertilization.
Sto Um, I dunno.
Me: Ok, I guess not. Thank-you. click

my aquarium page, info and pics at:

  #36   Report Post  
Old 22-02-2005, 10:03 PM
Posts: n/a

spiral_72 wrote:
I seem to be having a tough time finding local KNO3. It usually goes
something like this:

Try calling garden shops, nursury's or hydroponic stores. Also, some
old fashioned hardware stores, maybe Ace hardware, will carry stump
remover. A few brands of stump remover are pure Potassium Nitrate.


Or, if you can wait, order from Greg Watson dot com.

  #37   Report Post  
Old 22-02-2005, 10:13 PM
Nikki Casali
Posts: n/a

spiral_72 wrote:

I seem to be having a tough time finding local KNO3. It usually goes
something like this:
Sto Hello?
Me: Yea, I have a real quick question, do you sell potassium nitrate?
Me: Hello?
Sto Um
Me: Y'know? It's used in plant fertilization.
Sto Um, I dunno.
Me: Ok, I guess not. Thank-you. click

  #38   Report Post  
Old 23-02-2005, 01:17 AM
Posts: n/a

On 22 Feb 2005, you wrote in rec.aquaria.freshwater.plants:

I seem to be having a tough time finding local KNO3. It usually goes
something like this:
Sto Hello?
Me: Yea, I have a real quick question, do you sell potassium nitrate?
Me: Hello?
Sto Um
Me: Y'know? It's used in plant fertilization.
Sto Um, I dunno.
Me: Ok, I guess not. Thank-you. click

my aquarium page, info and pics at:

Might take some hunting around especially in the US, as potassium nitrate
is an explosive component and hydroponic stores have also been hit due to
people growing herbs instead of tomatoes. Had a few people in Canada
(Vancouver mainly) being raided because police wrote down their car licence
plate when they visited a hydropinic store buying MH bulbs and ferts, and
then later raiding their house. But if you have any hydroponic stores in
your area they will have it.

Well you need to get that CO2 way up before dosing all your ferts anyway
and fully stock your tank with plants. I'm attaching a crummy pic (cheap
camera and tank still in process of growing in, but took it as my tiger
lotus was flowering :P ) to show what full density is. BTW the stuff on the
top (you can see the roots hanging) is called water lettuce in laymans term
and is great for sucking up extra nutrients.

For an idea of DIY CO2 to get proper CO2 levels. I have two 4L plastic
containers that feed into the intake of my canister filter. I recharge one
bottle a week and have them offset (one changed on the weekend, one mid
week). The solution is two cups of sugar and 1tsp of baking yeast. It
takes that much to keep my 87Gal planted tank with enough CO2. Biggest
problem people have with DIY is they don't go big enough and thus don't get
enough CO2. BTW measure CO2 at the END of the day, just when the lights go


Hope the pic attaches, never tried it before with this news reader.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg tank.JPG (206.2 KB, 66 views)
  #39   Report Post  
Old 23-02-2005, 07:04 AM
Elaine T
Posts: n/a

spiral_72 wrote:
I seem to be having a tough time finding local KNO3. It usually goes
something like this:
Sto Hello?
Me: Yea, I have a real quick question, do you sell potassium nitrate?
Me: Hello?
Sto Um
Me: Y'know? It's used in plant fertilization.
Sto Um, I dunno.
Me: Ok, I guess not. Thank-you. click

my aquarium page, info and pics at:

Oh, geez. LOL! KNO3 is a bomb and gunpowder ingredient! Not as bad as
ammonium nitrate, but could still give people pause.

__ Elaine T __
__' '__

  #40   Report Post  
Old 24-02-2005, 12:56 AM
Posts: n/a

Elaine T Spaketh Thusly:

spiral_72 wrote:
I seem to be having a tough time finding local KNO3. It usually goes
something like this:
Sto Hello?
Me: Yea, I have a real quick question, do you sell potassium nitrate?
Me: Hello?
Sto Um
Me: Y'know? It's used in plant fertilization.
Sto Um, I dunno.
Me: Ok, I guess not. Thank-you. click

my aquarium page, info and pics at:

Oh, geez. LOL! KNO3 is a bomb and gunpowder ingredient! Not as bad as
ammonium nitrate, but could still give people pause.

It's also the only ingredient in Green Light brand stump remover. Usually can
be found at Ace hardware or Walmart. I got a lifetime supply (1 lb.) for 5.49
a few years ago.

Mix it 50/50 with sugar and it burns real nice, in case you want to get rid of
that stump real fast :-)

Bill H. [my "reply to" address is real]
Molon Labe!

  #41   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2005, 04:12 AM
Richard Sexton
Posts: n/a

In article .com,
spiral_72 wrote:
I seem to be having a tough time finding local KNO3. It usually goes
something like this:
Sto Hello?
Me: Yea, I have a real quick question, do you sell potassium nitrate?
Me: Hello?
Sto Um
Me: Y'know? It's used in plant fertilization.
Sto Um, I dunno.
Me: Ok, I guess not. Thank-you. click

I tried to get some in town last xmas. I went to every pharmacy in town;
when I was a kid and had the money I'd buy some mix it with icing sgar
and make ersatz fireworks. Used to be able to find it anywhere.

Now, NOBODY has it; some places would order it for me if I filled
in a form and it was really expensive. REALLY expensive.

The last guy I went to told me they use it to make crystal meth. OH.

So I went to the local hydroponics shop. You know, the places that
try to look like you'd actually buy $3500 worth of gear to grow ****ing
peppers and basil. Har.

$4 a pound. Bingo.

Letme ask you this. If you were going to buy some to make crytstal meth
and your choices were to fill out a form and pay $4.75 for 4 ounces or
would you go to the store where people buy stuff to grow dope where it's
cheaper and unrestricted?

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  #42   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2005, 03:16 PM
Posts: n/a

Nah, I'll bet it has nothing to do with drugs. That's an excuse. You
can always find a way to get high. The guys in my school sniffed
glue.... There were a few that got a momentary high off compressed air.
I'd rather not go into any details how. I'll bet the govt. is more
concerned with the potential of making an explosive.
You can make an explosive (to some extent) with potassium nitrate. It's
rediculous to have to sign for a stinking chemical, it's being done.
Most likely, chemicals will be controlled by the government altogether
in the name of terrorism or some similar rediculous excuse. Next they
will ban testicles altogether.

Um, my algae condition has not improved. I am going to give it a bit
before I change anything more. I expect it would be foolish to add more
plants if the plants I have are running idle. As soon as I find out
what causes my current plants to grow I will add more, which should
take care of the algae problem, right?
There, now I'm following the original post. Right?

my aquarium page, info and pics at:

  #43   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2005, 05:24 PM
Richard Sexton
Posts: n/a

The last resort method (and it is a last resort) of killing
any procaryotic algae (blue green, BBA, staghorn) is to dump
1cc/gallon of hydrogen peroxide in 2 days in a row. On the thid
day it should all be dead. This makes a real mess of your tank chemistry
and beneficial bacteria, but these algae are very sensitive
to the stuff and it hasfor me killed themdead each time.

The problem is though if your tank not inbalance nutrient wise
any single spore not kiled will makeit come back.

I find this easier than physically cleaning it out.

Change LOTS of watr after this. Siphon out all the dead algae
or you'll get an ammonia spike and get - algae.

Also I've read it takes alll the iron out of your water
so change as much as you casn and dose with ferts to feed
the plants.

This doesn't seem to do much if anythung for green/eucaryotic algae;
and I'm guessing that's because they have peroxisomes.

Need Mercedes parts ? - | Mercedes Mailing lists:
633CSi 250SE/C 300SD | Killies,, Crypts,
1970 280SE, 72 280SE | Old wris****ches
  #44   Report Post  
Old 26-02-2005, 04:34 AM
Posts: n/a

"spiral_72" wrote in news:1109257838.263647.17370

Yup, I got some after work. Finally! The hardware store had some made
of Sodium sulphide (Na2So3) I think..... So, against my principles I
went to the Lowes..... They had the Green Light brand that said it
contained potassium nitrate. I had them pull an MSDS on it just to be
sure. It is supposedly 100%
I tried the stuff in my 16oz jar with water and sure enough.....
Nitrates out the roof!. I put about 1/3 tablespoon in my aquarium
filter. I'll check it out again tonight.

Unless I'm way off here, I think you just dosed your tank to about 20ppm of
Nitrates when you're aiming for around 5ppm. You can use this site for

BTW how is your CO2 levels now, did you jack them up? All the ferts won't
help if you don't get that CO2 to at least 20ish. Treat CO2 just like a
fert, if one thing is missing you won't get stellar growth. FYI any surface
agitation (due to filter output or air bubbler etc.) will lower your CO2
levels. The first indication of something happening (before any algae
changes or plant growth) should be your plants pearling late in the day.

  #45   Report Post  
Old 26-02-2005, 04:38 AM
Robert Flory
Posts: n/a

"spiral_72" wrote in message
Yup, I got some after work. Finally! The hardware store had some made
of Sodium sulphide (Na2So3) I think..... So, against my principles I
went to the Lowes..... They had the Green Light brand that said it
contained potassium nitrate. I had them pull an MSDS on it just to be
sure. It is supposedly 100%
I tried the stuff in my 16oz jar with water and sure enough.....
Nitrates out the roof!. I put about 1/3 tablespoon in my aquarium
filter. I'll check it out again tonight.

Grants Stump remover work for me. I think it is available in many areas in
the USA.
Got mine at Yard Birds.

Try mixing it with diesel and ammonium nitrate with diesel make a
good explosive too ;-) They use it in the open pit mines to shatter the
coal so it can be scooped up and loaded.

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