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  #61   Report Post  
Old 06-08-2006, 11:05 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 735
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

"Janet Baraclough" wrote in message
from "Farm1" please@askifyouwannaknow contains these words:
"Janet Baraclough" wrote in message

I noticed all his begging posts to other gardening groups were
universally ignored.

I was referring to his tetanus posts here and on other ngs not any
begging posts.

If you had kept up with his gardening posts and requests here,

would know he was lying when he claimed to have been made unwelcome.

Since he is the one who claimed to fell unwelcome then that is HIS
personal reaction. Whether you believe or feel that he was made
unwelcome or not is a judgement that you can not make on his behalf.

Tetanus injections
are an itneresting topic to both spinners and gardeners.

Yes, and nobody here has disagreed with that. It's a regular

topic in
urg so so don't fall for Virek's lame lie that I, or the group, are


I didn't claim that. You are implying something I didn't state as you
are assuming that you can speak for how Vivek may or should feel about
whether he is welcome in urg..

However, first Virek claimed that an annual tetanus
booster is required here, and then, that it's required every ten

along with a diptheria booster. He wanted to post that
totally-wrong-for-the-UK information as a FAQ-advice on tetanus for

UK group. The objection was, his information (gleaned from other
countries with different health risk levels, different health care
systems) is inappropriate to UK gardeners, and CONTRARY to the

UK tetanus care protocol (whose effectiveness is evidenced by the
minute incidence of the disease).

He did post information that didn't relate to the UK. There is no
doubt about it. However as I stated before it prodded me to do some
research of my own and that si what I foudn of interest. Without his
posts, I wouldn't have focussed on it.

However there was a dramatic contrast between the reaction his posts
received here and how they were in other ngs. This is a much harsher
group than other gardening ngs for any perceived misdeeds.

Which is fine if you think he's trolling but certainly that is not

case with some of the respondents here and it is a topic I (and
certainly others) found of interest.

I can only suppose that you misread the thread. I registered my

interest by (very politely) pointing out his information on tetanus

doptheria booster protocols was inaccurate for UK gardeners; and


But then you weren't the only one to tell him that. Perhaps the
repeated posts which told him that his posts didn't relate to the UK
made him feel unwelcome. He said upfront that he was using what he
thought was the best site he'd found. It wasn't a UK one. Silly man.

If you want to tell him to go to
hell then that is your decision,

I didn't.

No not is so many words. You just agreed that it was a good idea for
him to quit urg completely and that you thought the group was being

?? I haven't seen any deathwish post from Alan Holmes.

You must have missed it, but I guess we coud be pedantic about it

call it a mere "deathhope" rather than a "deathwish".

Let's be even more pedantic and clarify the attributions.

You're right. My apologies to Alan Holmes for falsely accusing him of
wishing dead another regular poster. He merely wished dead a casual
poster. Alan was however keen to avoid any other ng where Vivek
posted. Vivek would have to be extremely stupid if he couldn't figure
out from the tenor of a multiple of posts that his posts on this
topic were "unwelcome" in urg.

"Alan Holmes" wrote in message

"Brian" wrote in message

On Wed, 2 Aug 2006 17:36:57 +0100, "Mary Fisher"

I haven't seen his name for some time ...

Hopefully, he's dead.

I hope the same of you!


You appear to have misread the thread again.

Mary asked after Alan Gould. Brian replied to Mary's post,

he is dead". According to google's archive Brian 's entire PH in urg
consists of his abusive and foulmouthed one-liners in this

is not a regular poster in any sense of the term.

Alan Holmes, who IS a very old poster here, in every sense, from

Alan Gould era of urg, riposted to Brian "I hope the same of you".

Either way it
doesn't sound good for the health of another person who has been a
regular poster in this group. See below:

Alan Holmes didn't address that comment to or about someone who has
been or is a regular poster here.

  #62   Report Post  
Old 06-08-2006, 10:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 143
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

"p. pleater" wrote in message

"Alan Holmes" wrote in message

"Vivek.M" wrote in message
Janet - has it possibly occurred to you, that it's people like you who
create the trolls in a NG. Tetanus is a UK relevant topic - that's
something you don't want to grasp; I suppose that's because you don't
want me here. Well you should SAY SO in no un-certain terms, in your
charter, instead of leading a fellow on! I wouldn't have joined URG if
i thought i was un-welcome and barring a bunch of nice people on this
NG, i find my-self most un-welcome with almost anything i say being
interpreted/mis-interpreted as off-topic merely because i don't happen
to sit in the UK. Madam, i find your behaviour remarkably weird and
don't propose to post to this NG anymore.

As I've said in another post, good, but as has been carefully explained
to you, but you refuse to accept it, tetanus is not a great problem in
this country.



This is all very interesting and I'm pleased to be learning something from
more knowledgeable people than I. But I don't understand why in the last
55 years I have been given 4 tetanus jabs, the first in the RAF and the
last one 2 days ago for a broken and lacerated finger mashed up uprooting
a tree.
The local A+E doctor, an experienced mature bloke, gave me a right ticking
off for not having had a booster in the last 17 years !!!
Hey, who am I to disagree.

I can only repeat, that some time ago I went to the doc having had some sort
of accident in the garden to get a tetanus injection, and he refused on the
grounds that I was imune.


  #63   Report Post  
Old 07-08-2006, 05:33 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 20
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

On Sun, 6 Aug 2006 20:05:21 +1000, "Farm1" please@askifyouwannaknow wrote:
Since he is the one who claimed to fell unwelcome then that is HIS
personal reaction. Whether you believe or feel that he was made
unwelcome or not is a judgement that you can not make on his behalf.

A quick post, i have calmed down quite a bit. I never meant to give
the impression that URG made me feel un-welcome! On the contrary many
people on URG were fantastic including Janet (after all she was the
only one on rec.gardens, who actually replied to my introduction
there, with a rattling good mail). I wouldn't have come this way
unless i had met her (i think she mentioned URG in a post or
something, but i don't quite remember).

Now i'm not sure, but i suspect that she is partly angry with me
because of my constant harping about raspberry. I think she went into
"troll-alert" mode when i mentioned raspberry on URG, especially when
she had said, on RG, that raspberrys need cool climes. She is right
but only partly. Check out:

Now i'd love to claim that i knew about that all the time i was on
URG, unfortunately i only found out about that as of Tue Aug 01; well
after my first Tetanus post and well after all the raspberry
references on URG. The reason i mention it is because i'm trying to
give you a insight into my character; I am fairly persistent when i
want something and don't give up easily, especially when i'm not happy
with the answer. I'll post the same question on multiple newsgroups
and web-sites. For eg: that "Hairy Vetch" answer left me un-satisfied
and i made it a point to post almost immediately on gardenweb where i
got a more satisfactory answer - "Rhizobium leguminosarum, type "C"".
Mike Lyle or Nick Mclaren may have felt quite offended at my
persistence, though i view that quite differently.

About Tetanus, OT posts and the Charter: The charter does give the
impression people from all over the world are welcome so long as they
post on a UK related subject. Now in my opinion, as a total stranger
to URG, URG does try to live up to the spirit off the charter (my
warm welcome is testament to that), but only partly.

( IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY ) The charter assumes that people from
outside will know everything there is to know about the UK and then
carefully draft questions and answers to various posts on URG thus
staying on topic; That's not likely to be the case. What is worse, the
charter gives the impression that so long as one does not post like
this: "Hi, how do i grow grapes in Finland" - all is welcome. There
is one other thing the charter implies: It implies that the person
from outside can discuss/mention his country's plants, his gardening
methods etc within a thread, so long as he doesn't start a thread
like: "My garden in Norway; Tulips in bloom".

I strongly feel that the charter must be re-edited to reflect the
above, with examples, a skull and cross-bones to boot and

Which now brings me to a more controversial topic, the various
comments. Here i am on uncertain ground. I don't want to inflame
tempers and have people insult me again, but i feel that i should
speak up against certain statements in the vain hope that people will
actually see the injustice off it. Well *grin* you might want to blame
Farm1 for it . Farm, you beast from outerspace! I love you for
speaking up for me in this ripping fashion and goading her into
rending you! Now i wish you'd pipe down for ever and let me speak to
the lady concerned. I suppose she will blow a couple of fuses and just
kill-file me *grin*.

Janet, your a total worm and a utter rotter! I doubt you'll ever
listen to me, and even if you do, i doubt you'd actually learn
anything. You'r like my Dad - he'll never ever admit he was wrong!

1. Begging posts on rec.gardens.

Remember the "Help A Disabled Man's Dream Come True" post on
rec.gardens? That was a begging post; it claimed destitution and asked
for charity. Did i ever, in any of my posts do that Janet? Did i ever
say send me something for free because i'm very very nice? There is a
difference between "Beg", "Ask" and "Offer in fair trade". You accuse
me of begging because you are spiteful! You know only too well the
kind of reputation we Indians have in the world and you play on that!
Being a newcomer to URG and a Indian to boot, any comments you make
against me will be accepted without the least bit of double checking!

2. "He has also emailed me privately, more than once, with screeds of
additional questions which I also answered for him politely and

That does raise visions of, tons of questions, and email on various
topics, being patiently answered by a paragon of patience and virtue.

The total conversation amounted to:
1. 1 - email V-J
2. 1 - email J-V
3. 1 - thank-you-for-clarifying, email V-J.
All i ever asked her was if a Mr. X was trolling me because he had
mailed me about trolls and tracking them down; I did this because you
appeared to be a long standing member of the NG who appeared friendly;
It seemed quite the sensible thing to do.

That's deception No 2 and why i hate you.

3. "his "naive schoolboy gardener" act earned particular
tolerance and forbearance in this group until he got bored,"

Well, i plead guilty to this one. I'm not nearly so naive as i seem.
Maybe some of you will take the time to go here and take a peek:
If i'm lying at least i lie consistently! Or did you mean that i was
trying too hard to get into everyones good graces..

Do you find this particular post to be particularly school-boyish?
Try to grasp something - running around with a frown on your face
doesn't make you a man and don't confuse bluntness with naivety.
Crotchety-ness doesn't make you wise, merely old. You are crotchety.
I mean, you are nice and kind and well meaning but your a heck off a
good hater at the same time! If i'm in your good books then you are
all lovey-dovey but the slightest infraction and a proper ticking off
i get and god help me if i resist! Then immediately i am a troll and
it's off to the dungeon any which way; no holds barred and you'll say
anything and do anything to get the group to hate me!

Now perhaps you would care to elaborate as to how i was IMPOSING on
the group?

Mr. Lamey i can understand imposes on this NG; I don't quite see how
i am equated with him in one fell stroke. That isn't fair Janet! You
aren't being a wee bit fair from point 1 onwards! You are treating
this NG as if it's your little baby and using all sorts of nasty
tactics in its defense. Anyway..

I don't quite understand how tolerance and forebearance come into the
picture? As long as i don't violate your charter rules, i don't
impose OR require tolerance OR forebearance. It's only when the
charter rules are GROSSLY or FLAGRANTLY violated does forgiveness
forebearance/tolerance come into the picture. I honestly doubt i was
that bad!

Or did i just stay too long and outlive my welcome?

There are a couple of other points i wanted to go into but i won't.
This damned post is already too long and i do have something more
important to add.

I've already quit this NG; If YOU really wan't me to, i'll quit RG as
well. I can't exactly lurk because i'll see something like Farm1's
stolid defence *grin* and then be tempted to post. There is a reason
why i'm being extra nice to you - You replied to me first and were
helpfu and very nicel, even if things soured later. I'll offset your
niceness against the grouchy you. Gardening info i can find on the
web; I already have a gardening community in gardenweb so it's a small
price to pay for clearing things up and calming frayed nerves. It
really doesn't pay to leave disputes un-settled. I mean, let's just
raise the white-flag. I'll f*off and get out of your hair and all is
forgiven. Bygones are bygones. Well that's what i'm going to do in any
case just though you should know. Just do me the favour of not making
any more acid remarks - I'll consider that as a peace offering.

I mean come on Jan, If i'm out of here for ever and RG for possibly
(1-2 years) well surely i couldn't possibly be a troll and my very
abscence is proof, right? Anyway - no more posts from my side. This
should be by last - unless you are dying or something and wanting to
hear from me *grin*

And try not to say anything un-pleasent. It upsets me know end! Wish
all this had never happened! Bye
  #64   Report Post  
Old 07-08-2006, 07:20 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 47
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

"Vivek.M" wrote in message

Bygones are bygones. Well that's what i'm going to do in any

case just though you should know. Just do me the favour of not making
any more acid remarks - I'll consider that as a peace offering.

I mean come on Jan, If i'm out of here for ever and RG for possibly
(1-2 years) well surely i couldn't possibly be a troll and my very
abscence is proof, right? Anyway - no more posts from my side. This
should be by last - unless you are dying or something and wanting to
hear from me *grin*

And try not to say anything un-pleasent. It upsets me know end! Wish
all this had never happened! Bye

I could be wrong, but I suspect the engagement is now off !!
Best to return the rings, sort the CD collection and cancel the joint
Ah well, back to the garden. )

  #65   Report Post  
Old 07-08-2006, 09:09 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 617
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

"Vivek.M" wrote in message
On Sun, 6 Aug 2006 20:05:21 +1000, "Farm1" please@askifyouwannaknow
Since he is the one who claimed to fell unwelcome then that is HIS
personal reaction. Whether you believe or feel that he was made
unwelcome or not is a judgement that you can not make on his behalf.

A quick post, i have calmed down quite a bit. I never meant to give
the impression that URG made me feel un-welcome! On the contrary many
people on URG were fantastic including Janet (after all she was the
only one on rec.gardens, who actually replied to my introduction
there, with a rattling good mail). I wouldn't have come this way
unless i had met her (i think she mentioned URG in a post or
something, but i don't quite remember).

Now i'm not sure, but i suspect that she is partly angry with me
because of my constant harping about raspberry. I think she went into
"troll-alert" mode when i mentioned raspberry on URG, especially when
she had said, on RG, that raspberrys need cool climes. She is right
but only partly. Check out:

Now i'd love to claim that i knew about that all the time i was on
URG, unfortunately i only found out about that as of Tue Aug 01; well
after my first Tetanus post and well after all the raspberry
references on URG. The reason i mention it is because i'm trying to
give you a insight into my character; I am fairly persistent when i
want something and don't give up easily, especially when i'm not happy
with the answer. I'll post the same question on multiple newsgroups
and web-sites. For eg: that "Hairy Vetch" answer left me un-satisfied
and i made it a point to post almost immediately on gardenweb where i
got a more satisfactory answer - "Rhizobium leguminosarum, type "C"".
Mike Lyle or Nick Mclaren may have felt quite offended at my
persistence, though i view that quite differently.

About Tetanus, OT posts and the Charter: The charter does give the
impression people from all over the world are welcome so long as they
post on a UK related subject. Now in my opinion, as a total stranger
to URG, URG does try to live up to the spirit off the charter (my
warm welcome is testament to that), but only partly.

( IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY ) The charter assumes that people from
outside will know everything there is to know about the UK and then
carefully draft questions and answers to various posts on URG thus
staying on topic; That's not likely to be the case. What is worse, the
charter gives the impression that so long as one does not post like
this: "Hi, how do i grow grapes in Finland" - all is welcome. There
is one other thing the charter implies: It implies that the person
from outside can discuss/mention his country's plants, his gardening
methods etc within a thread, so long as he doesn't start a thread
like: "My garden in Norway; Tulips in bloom".

I strongly feel that the charter must be re-edited to reflect the
above, with examples, a skull and cross-bones to boot and

Which now brings me to a more controversial topic, the various
comments. Here i am on uncertain ground. I don't want to inflame
tempers and have people insult me again, but i feel that i should
speak up against certain statements in the vain hope that people will
actually see the injustice off it. Well *grin* you might want to blame
Farm1 for it . Farm, you beast from outerspace! I love you for
speaking up for me in this ripping fashion and goading her into
rending you! Now i wish you'd pipe down for ever and let me speak to
the lady concerned. I suppose she will blow a couple of fuses and just
kill-file me *grin*.

Janet, your a total worm and a utter rotter! I doubt you'll ever
listen to me, and even if you do, i doubt you'd actually learn
anything. You'r like my Dad - he'll never ever admit he was wrong!

1. Begging posts on rec.gardens.

Remember the "Help A Disabled Man's Dream Come True" post on
rec.gardens? That was a begging post; it claimed destitution and asked
for charity. Did i ever, in any of my posts do that Janet? Did i ever
say send me something for free because i'm very very nice? There is a
difference between "Beg", "Ask" and "Offer in fair trade". You accuse
me of begging because you are spiteful! You know only too well the
kind of reputation we Indians have in the world and you play on that!
Being a newcomer to URG and a Indian to boot, any comments you make
against me will be accepted without the least bit of double checking!

2. "He has also emailed me privately, more than once, with screeds of
additional questions which I also answered for him politely and

That does raise visions of, tons of questions, and email on various
topics, being patiently answered by a paragon of patience and virtue.

The total conversation amounted to:
1. 1 - email V-J
2. 1 - email J-V
3. 1 - thank-you-for-clarifying, email V-J.
All i ever asked her was if a Mr. X was trolling me because he had
mailed me about trolls and tracking them down; I did this because you
appeared to be a long standing member of the NG who appeared friendly;
It seemed quite the sensible thing to do.

That's deception No 2 and why i hate you.

3. "his "naive schoolboy gardener" act earned particular
tolerance and forbearance in this group until he got bored,"

Well, i plead guilty to this one. I'm not nearly so naive as i seem.
Maybe some of you will take the time to go here and take a peek:
If i'm lying at least i lie consistently! Or did you mean that i was
trying too hard to get into everyones good graces..

Do you find this particular post to be particularly school-boyish?
Try to grasp something - running around with a frown on your face
doesn't make you a man and don't confuse bluntness with naivety.
Crotchety-ness doesn't make you wise, merely old. You are crotchety.
I mean, you are nice and kind and well meaning but your a heck off a
good hater at the same time! If i'm in your good books then you are
all lovey-dovey but the slightest infraction and a proper ticking off
i get and god help me if i resist! Then immediately i am a troll and
it's off to the dungeon any which way; no holds barred and you'll say
anything and do anything to get the group to hate me!

Now perhaps you would care to elaborate as to how i was IMPOSING on
the group?

Mr. Lamey i can understand imposes on this NG; I don't quite see how
i am equated with him in one fell stroke. That isn't fair Janet! You
aren't being a wee bit fair from point 1 onwards! You are treating
this NG as if it's your little baby and using all sorts of nasty
tactics in its defense. Anyway..

I don't quite understand how tolerance and forebearance come into the
picture? As long as i don't violate your charter rules, i don't
impose OR require tolerance OR forebearance. It's only when the
charter rules are GROSSLY or FLAGRANTLY violated does forgiveness
forebearance/tolerance come into the picture. I honestly doubt i was
that bad!

Or did i just stay too long and outlive my welcome?

There are a couple of other points i wanted to go into but i won't.
This damned post is already too long and i do have something more
important to add.

I've already quit this NG; If YOU really wan't me to, i'll quit RG as
well. I can't exactly lurk because i'll see something like Farm1's
stolid defence *grin* and then be tempted to post. There is a reason
why i'm being extra nice to you - You replied to me first and were
helpfu and very nicel, even if things soured later. I'll offset your
niceness against the grouchy you. Gardening info i can find on the
web; I already have a gardening community in gardenweb so it's a small
price to pay for clearing things up and calming frayed nerves. It
really doesn't pay to leave disputes un-settled. I mean, let's just
raise the white-flag. I'll f*off and get out of your hair and all is
forgiven. Bygones are bygones. Well that's what i'm going to do in any
case just though you should know. Just do me the favour of not making
any more acid remarks - I'll consider that as a peace offering.

I mean come on Jan, If i'm out of here for ever and RG for possibly
(1-2 years) well surely i couldn't possibly be a troll and my very
abscence is proof, right? Anyway - no more posts from my side. This
should be by last - unless you are dying or something and wanting to
hear from me *grin*

And try not to say anything un-pleasent. It upsets me know end! Wish
all this had never happened! Bye

What a load of rambling rubbish, made even worse by your offensive comments
about Indians.

  #66   Report Post  
Old 08-08-2006, 08:52 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 735
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

"Rupert (W.Yorkshire)" wrote in message
"Vivek.M" wrote in message

You know only too well the
kind of reputation we Indians have in the world and you play on

Being a newcomer to URG and a Indian to boot, any comments you

against me will be accepted without the least bit of double


What a load of rambling rubbish, made even worse by your offensive

about Indians.

In this politically correct world, I suspect that it is still
allowable for a member of a particular ehtnic group to say whatever
they like about their own ethnic group. How else would "The Kumars at
Number 42" end up being such a raging success story?

What is not so acceptable on ngs is reposting a whole post to whcih
you are then only going to add a short comment.

  #67   Report Post  
Old 08-08-2006, 09:07 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 735
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

"Vivek.M" wrote in message
On Sun, 6 Aug 2006 20:05:21 +1000, "Farm1"

please@askifyouwannaknow wrote:
Since he is the one who claimed to fell unwelcome then that is HIS
personal reaction. Whether you believe or feel that he was made
unwelcome or not is a judgement that you can not make on his


A quick post, i have calmed down quite a bit. I never meant to give
the impression that URG made me feel un-welcome!

Perhaps you need to be more careful in how you word your posts? If
you state that: "I suppose that's because you don't want me here",
says to me that you are feeling unwlecome and not wnated.

The charter does give the
impression people from all over the world are welcome so long as

post on a UK related subject. Now in my opinion, as a total stranger
to URG, URG does try to live up to the spirit off the charter (my
warm welcome is testament to that), but only partly.

Given the range of plants that I've seen growing in the UK {either in
the flesh or in UK publications] and that I know I couldn't grow in a
fit here in a cold winter/scorching summer antipodian garden coupled
with the range of microclimates and macroclimates of the UK then I've
always found the urg Charter to be a bit precious.

Still, the Brits do a have a reputation for being the best gardeners
in the world although I suspect that thousand of years of soil
imorovemnt and the Gulf stream lashing their shores does give them an
edge. Their general and indepth knowledge of gardening is still the
best aroudn the Net though.

Well *grin* you might want to blame
Farm1 for it .

Anyone who blames me for anything you say will be duly mashed by me

Farm, you beast from outerspace! I love you for
speaking up for me in this ripping fashion and goading her into
rending you! Now i wish you'd pipe down for ever and let me speak to
the lady concerned.

Hmmmph! First you utter words of love and then tell me to pipe down.
You're on your own now boyo!

  #68   Report Post  
Old 08-08-2006, 10:55 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 735
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

"Rupert (W.Yorkshire)" wrote in message
"Farm1" please@askifyouwannaknow wrote in message
"Rupert (W.Yorkshire)" wrote in message
"Vivek.M" wrote in message

You know only too well the
kind of reputation we Indians have in the world and you play on

Being a newcomer to URG and a Indian to boot, any comments you

against me will be accepted without the least bit of double


What a load of rambling rubbish, made even worse by your

about Indians.

In this politically correct world, I suspect that it is still
allowable for a member of a particular ehtnic group to say

they like about their own ethnic group. How else would "The

Kumars at
Number 42" end up being such a raging success story?

Well I don't think Vivek M has much potential as a Comedian,

Politician or a

:-)) Well I'd agree about the first two but after gardening for 30
years or more and still classing myself as very much a "Learner", I'll
continue to give him a chance to improve in the latter category. I'm
always amazed at how much I can still learn form other gardeners, from
evey garden I visit or every gardening publication I pick up.

  #69   Report Post  
Old 08-08-2006, 10:56 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 617
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

"Farm1" please@askifyouwannaknow wrote in message
"Rupert (W.Yorkshire)" wrote in message
"Vivek.M" wrote in message

You know only too well the
kind of reputation we Indians have in the world and you play on

Being a newcomer to URG and a Indian to boot, any comments you

against me will be accepted without the least bit of double


What a load of rambling rubbish, made even worse by your offensive

about Indians.

In this politically correct world, I suspect that it is still
allowable for a member of a particular ehtnic group to say whatever
they like about their own ethnic group. How else would "The Kumars at
Number 42" end up being such a raging success story?

Well I don't think Vivek M has much potential as a Comedian, Politician or a


  #70   Report Post  
Old 08-08-2006, 11:28 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,092
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

On 8/8/06 10:55, in article
, "Farm1"
please@askifyouwannaknow wrote:

:-)) Well I'd agree about the first two but after gardening for 30
years or more and still classing myself as very much a "Learner", I'll
continue to give him a chance to improve in the latter category. I'm
always amazed at how much I can still learn form other gardeners, from
evey garden I visit or every gardening publication I pick up.

My husband, who has been in the business or associated with it for 60 years,
says that an old gardener once told him to listen to the old chaps when they
start apparently rambling on about 'the old days'. He said that every now
and again you'll pick up some little gem of information that you didn't know
before and that will make your patience worthwhile. Ray says he's found
that to be true time after time. The placing of a stone slab beneath an
apple tree when planting it was just one, but I doubt anyone does that now!
South Devon
(email address on website)

  #71   Report Post  
Old 08-08-2006, 12:32 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 51
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

On Tue, 8 Aug 2006 11:28:26 +0100, Sacha wrote
(in article ):


My husband, who has been in the business or associated with it for 60 years,
says that an old gardener once told him to listen to the old chaps when they
start apparently rambling on about 'the old days'. He said that every now
and again you'll pick up some little gem of information that you didn't know
before and that will make your patience worthwhile. Ray says he's found
that to be true time after time. The placing of a stone slab beneath an
apple tree when planting it was just one, but I doubt anyone does that now!

I'm intrigued. Why would you place a stone slab beneath an apple tree when

Sally in Shropshire, UK
bed and breakfast near Ludlow:
Burne-Jones/William Morris window in Shropshire church:

  #73   Report Post  
Old 08-08-2006, 10:08 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 51
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

On Tue, 8 Aug 2006 12:42:20 +0100, Sacha wrote
(in article ):

On 8/8/06 12:32, in article
, "Sally Thompson"

On Tue, 8 Aug 2006 11:28:26 +0100, Sacha wrote
(in article ):


My husband, who has been in the business or associated with it for 60
says that an old gardener once told him to listen to the old chaps when
start apparently rambling on about 'the old days'. He said that every now
and again you'll pick up some little gem of information that you didn't
before and that will make your patience worthwhile. Ray says he's found
that to be true time after time. The placing of a stone slab beneath an
apple tree when planting it was just one, but I doubt anyone does that now!

I'm intrigued. Why would you place a stone slab beneath an apple tree when

Apparently, it forces the roots to go outwards and THEN downwards, giving
more stability to the tree. Ray was on a tour of an old garden some years
ago when the guide mentioned this had been found on the property when garden
renovations were taking place. The guide said that he bet nobody knew why
the slabs were there. Ray didn't exactly make himself popular with the
guide when he piped up!

Ah, thanks, that makes sense (I think).

Sally in Shropshire, UK
bed and breakfast near Ludlow:
Burne-Jones/William Morris window in Shropshire church:

  #74   Report Post  
Old 09-08-2006, 12:05 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 143
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

"Farm1" please@askifyouwannaknow wrote in message

What is not so acceptable on ngs is reposting a whole post to whcih
you are then only going to add a short comment.

And not being able to spell a word like whcih!

Shame on you!


  #75   Report Post  
Old 09-08-2006, 12:06 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 143
Default Tetanus every 5-10 years - Please Read - Important!

"Sacha" wrote in message
On 8/8/06 10:55, in article
, "Farm1"
please@askifyouwannaknow wrote:

:-)) Well I'd agree about the first two but after gardening for 30
years or more and still classing myself as very much a "Learner", I'll
continue to give him a chance to improve in the latter category. I'm
always amazed at how much I can still learn form other gardeners, from
evey garden I visit or every gardening publication I pick up.

My husband, who has been in the business or associated with it for 60
says that an old gardener once told him to listen to the old chaps when
start apparently rambling on about 'the old days'. He said that every now
and again you'll pick up some little gem of information that you didn't
before and that will make your patience worthwhile. Ray says he's found
that to be true time after time. The placing of a stone slab beneath an
apple tree when planting it was just one, but I doubt anyone does that

I'd never heard of that one, peraps I should have done that with all of

What, exactly does that do?


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