View Full Version : Freshwater Aquaria Plants

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  1. Pruning Alternanthera reineckii
  2. Reply for Kenneth
  3. controlling algae
  4. Ecology experiment - suggestions ?
  5. Selling a Workhorse 8 Ballast
  6. Good news friends !!!!!!
  7. One more question: Undergravel Filters
  8. Several DIY Yeast CO2 System questions.
  9. Onyx Gravel, Flourite, & Crushed Lava Rock?
  10. Identifying Amano plants
  11. Dark Green Java Fern?
  12. snail-eating loach/fish in planted tank
  13. how much light for a discus plant collection
  14. upgrading to 4wpg, how often for trace nutrient fertilzation?
  15. Tank additives
  16. Ideal water conditions for Anacharis
  17. Phosphate
  18. Rasbora
  19. medium chain swords
  20. opinions on Micro sword (lilaeopsis)
  21. Cleaning algae off plastic plants?
  22. For anyone worried about lead WAS Re: Lead weights for plants
  23. blue green algae and black hair algae problem?
  24. Snails cause illiness?
  25. Lead weights for plants
  26. BGA in 3' tank
  27. Help, rusty brown stuff growing in my tank!
  28. Plant trading addon question
  29. CO2 loss off biowheel...
  30. Rare plant imports
  31. Carbon Filters in planted tanks
  32. where can I buy a good reflector?
  33. Flourite...?
  34. CO2 reactors / breweries.
  35. Plant trading
  36. plant recommendation sought
  37. East Coast Aquarium Society Meeting
  38. which nitrate test kit is the best??
  39. Monster Plants ate my fishes. . .
  40. color of leaves affected by available light?
  41. Java ferns.
  42. Power Compact source
  43. what is ideal sulfate levels for planted aquaria?
  44. need help on assembling Vortex XL Canister
  45. Aponogeton seed pod?
  46. Carbo-Plus CO2?
  47. Hard-to-find Aquatic Plants
  48. Hagen Natural Plant System odor: / was CO-2 injection into a canister filter.
  49. co2 reactor: Larger or multiple?
  50. sister caught with the kid next store 4808
  51. Aponogeton Crispus flower
  52. The Big MTS Migration
  53. Let part of filter clog?
  54. Algae website
  55. Banana Plant, aquatic or bog?
  56. Windows Planted Aquarium Calculator
  57. Aqua Botanic
  58. State Restrictions in California Regarding Live Plants
  59. Lighting - acrylic tank
  60. Newbie needs some help!
  61. substates
  62. Re: Baking Soda for Ph Adjustment
  63. Help with Phosphate test kit
  64. If you could order any plant..
  65. java moss help
  66. CO-2 injection into a canister filter.
  67. Nutrafin CO2 system
  68. Diatom Filter or H.O.T. Magnum
  69. Silicon Valley Aquarium Society Mtg May 1-Planted Tanks
  70. Plant Fest is back!
  71. AB Aquascaping Contest ends May 1st!
  72. Hard-to-find Aquatic Plants---New shipment
  73. Brackish Tank
  74. how old are your fishes?
  75. Canister filters and the use of peat in a South American tank
  76. CO2 efficiency in hard water
  77. Which is the most popular Fish?
  78. Drastic PH Drop after adding Dritftwood
  79. Iron Aquascaper Contest
  80. ozelot sword
  81. Help !Crypt has a flower bud.
  82. Buying plants online?
  83. melting crypts
  84. [FAQ] Welcome to the Aquaria Newsgroups! 2004-04-20
  85. uh, *gulp* I only wanted aquarium advice, woo..yikes! Wrong place?
  86. Free lighting stuff. (shipping)
  87. My Aquarium Website is new and needs help
  88. Fish Suggestion for 20 Gallon Planted Tank
  89. ECAS Meeting
  90. Substrate heater installation?
  91. Need Tech Help
  92. EBO-Jager, Fully submersible or not?
  93. Site that compared tanks under different lights ...
  94. Nil Nitrate is Bad in PlantedTank?
  95. Gang valve after needle valve?
  96. Free C02 regulator
  97. Carpet Plants
  98. Using Fluorite?
  99. Hard-To-Find Aquatic Plants
  100. Aquascaping web pages wanted
  101. Marine Plants + Freshwater questions...
  102. Fine sand
  103. Starting new planted tank
  104. Eradicating BBA : Part-2
  105. Neon tetra tank
  106. What size aquarium?
  107. Higher Watt Eclipse Bulb
  108. How often should I dose Seachem?
  109. Large Crypt Colony for sale
  110. AGA 2004, Amano Returns!
  111. do pomacea bridgsii apple snails eat tender plants?
  112. Moving, lots of plants and tanks for sale
  113. AGA 2004, Amano Returns!
  114. AGA 2004, Amano Returns!
  115. New Website
  116. do pomacea bridgsii apple snails eat tender plants?
  117. do pomacea bridgsii apple snails eat tender plants?
  118. Moving, lots of plants and tanks for sale
  119. New Website
  120. New Shipment---Hard-to-find Aquatic plants
  121. East Coast Aquatic Society (Canada)
  122. Aquarium photos needed
  123. Need an ID of snail
  124. New Shipment---Hard-to-find Aquatic plants
  125. Watering the aquarium plants.
  126. East Coast Aquatic Society (Canada)
  127. Aquarium photos needed
  128. Re: Anubias to driftwood ?
  129. Need an ID of snail
  130. Watering the aquarium plants.
  131. DIY yeast CO2 problem
  132. DIY yeast CO2 problem
  133. Prefilter for Fluval 404?
  134. Help with no growth
  135. Calcium deficiency in Amazon Sword?
  136. This concerns all of US
  137. Macro nutrient/Fertilizer question
  138. Odd Cloudy Water Question/Problem
  139. Silicon Valley Aquarium Society Meeting Saturday April 3
  140. Silicon Valley Aquarium Society Meeting Saturday April 3
  141. Silicon Valley Aquarium Society Meeting Saturday April 3
  142. Glossostigma in the Canadian Capital Region
  143. Moss Ball
  144. Need advice on a 200 gal tank
  145. Re: When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP!!! _____ lhhiBTjNA
  146. Green water and CO2
  147. Green water and CO2
  148. Brown Discolouration on a Plant
  149. Crypts growing plants on leaves
  150. Source of KNO3 in Australia
  151. GH and total hardness
  152. GH and total hardness
  153. GH Test kit question
  154. Flourite question
  155. Re: New product coming-"Fishsitter" - monitor you're tank when your not there
  156. Re: New product coming-"Fishsitter" - monitor you're tank when your
  157. CO2 refill in SF
  158. New product coming-"Fishsitter" - monitor you're tank when your not
  159. Need Help
  160. When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP!!! _____ lhhiBTjNA
  161. When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP!!! _____ lhhiBTjNA
  162. When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP!!! ------ G231QYYNdaG
  163. When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP!!! ------ G231QYYNdaG
  164. plants bubbling?
  165. plants bubbling?
  166. newbie question
  167. Win a $200 Gift Certificate from The Lighthouse!
  168. Beware of Hong Kong fake plants..
  169. Rewiring my Workhorse 5 ballast?
  170. Rewiring my Workhorse 5 ballast?
  171. Rewiring my Workhorse 5 ballast?
  172. Aquabotanic Aquascaping Contest, only about a month away!
  173. Gravel Problems!!! Why now?
  174. Aquabotanic Aquascaping Contest, only about a month away!
  175. Gravel Problems!!! Why now?
  176. Gravel Problems!!! Why now?
  177. Gravel Problems!!! Why now?
  178. Better get busy pruning!!!!
  179. Brown edges to leaves
  180. Plant leaves Curling up?
  181. PMDD question
  182. HOT magnum filter media, etc.
  183. Snail Hunting fish - recommendations ?
  184. hydroponic nutrient for aquarium plant
  185. hydroponic nutrient for aquarium plant
  186. HOT magnum filter media, etc.
  187. HOT magnum filter media, etc.
  188. Snail Hunting fish - recommendations ?
  189. Snail Hunting fish - recommendations ?
  190. Re: Pruning Cobomba
  191. lights, fertilizer, CO2?
  192. Hard-to-find Aquatic Plants
  193. Barley Straw Extract for Green Water Algae ?
  194. Plant health when adding salt
  195. Plant health when adding salt
  196. keeping plants planted
  197. newbie lighting questions
  198. Pruning hornwort
  199. Amquel and Ich medication?
  200. nitrate build up question..
  201. nitrate build up question..
  202. You must read this
  203. Hi, lbweajbbew, Returned mail--sjvaigng
  204. Hi, lbweajbbew, Returned mail--sjvaigng
  205. Tom Barr on fertilizing techniques, guest speaker on Thurs. at 10 pm
  206. Hard-to-find Aquatic Plants--New Shipment
  207. Hard-to-find Aquatic Plants--New Shipment
  208. Eradicating BBA
  209. Algae ID question
  210. Algae ID question
  211. Amazon Sword with long stalk
  212. Amazon Sword with long stalk
  213. Amazon Sword with long stalk
  214. Strange Algae Growth - Advice ??
  215. Strange Algae Growth - Advice ??
  216. Strange Algae Growth - Advice ??
  217. Strange Algae Growth - Advice ??
  218. Strange Algae Growth - Advice ??
  219. Help with a Getting Started with Planted Aquaria talk
  220. Help with a Getting Started with Planted Aquaria talk
  221. Re: cannot connect to server
  222. My Anubias barteri flower photos
  223. My Anubias barteri flower photos
  224. My Anubias barteri flower photos
  225. Anyone ever had Staghorn
  226. A nice article on breeding of goldfish
  227. Plants go yellowish
  228. java fern going into hybernation
  229. Re: Java Fern was re: Java Sword
  230. Java Sword
  231. SeaChem Flourish Overdose Blues
  232. What sickness?
  233. Rams Problem
  234. Hard-to-find Aquatic Plants
  235. Hard-to-find Aquatic Plants
  236. Re: What sickness?
  237. Hard-to-find Aquatic Plants
  238. Green algae
  239. Green algae
  240. duckweed
  241. raising baby red ramshorns who really do eat certain plants...
  242. raising baby red ramshorns who really do eat certain plants...
  243. Re: One More Plant Fertilizer Question
  245. Why won't my replies post?
  246. Why won't my replies post?
  247. My Pics
  248. Hard-to-Find Aquatic Plants
  249. Removing algae w/ interdental brush
  250. My Pics